Chapter 5

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The next morning I put on a white crop top with a black skater skirt that covered my stomach from showing and I put on my black high top converse. When I got to school Alan walked me to our lockers. When I opened mine a note fell out. It read:
Back off Alan, he is mine and he always will be! I don't even know why he likes you you're ugly­­­ -D. Matheus. I stood there like I was paralyzed and Alan walked over to me and took the note and my hand. He walked to the principal's office and they pulled the tapes. It was Dyllon, Alan's ex girlfriend. They brought her in the same room as Hayes and I. "Dyllon is there something you'd like to say?" The principal said. "Not really. I was expressing my feelings." She used such a snobby tone. "Well how about sorry?" "I don't say that word." She crossed her arms. What a bitch! "Well you have 2 weeks of detention starting today." The principal excused all of us.

Alan Matheus ♡Where stories live. Discover now