Chapter 8

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In language arts we were reading Edgar Allen Poe. I liked Annabelle Lee, we were reading it at the time.
"But our love was stronger by far then the love of those who were older than we, of many far wiser than we, and neither the angels in heaven above nor the demons down under than sea can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabelle Lee" my teacher read. I was looking at Alan and I doze off into lala land. I was thinking that Alan would love me forever and that nothing would separate us. Then the teacher snapped in my face and I nearly fell out of my seat. I was really embarrassed and I asked to go to the bathroom. I went into a stall and I nearly broke down. I didn't cry but I just played on my phone. When I walked out of the stall Dyllon was there. "Well well well, look who it is. Did Alan say he didn't like you and he liked me?"
"No actually he didn't do anything. He's really nice and that's why he let you down easy." I gave her a smirk and walked out of the bathroom. When I got backed to class everyone was silently reading a book, so I did the same. When language arts was over Alan and I started to walk to gym.
"Are you ok?"
"Ya, Why wouldn't I be?" I replied.
"I don't know, you looked sad when the teacher snapped in your face.."
"I was embarrassed, I doze off looking at you.. then I realized everyone noticed me totally obsessing even the teacher and I totally bugged. I was just embarrassed okay?" I kinda snapped at him. "Sorry, I just.. I just.." Alan hugged me really tight. I hugged him back and hid my face in his shirt and I didn't want to let go. He let go of the hug and kissed my forehead, and he put a smile on my face.
"There's that beautiful smile." Alan was smiling too.

Alan Matheus ♡Where stories live. Discover now