Chapter One

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I sat at the edge of Skyloft as I allowed the soft breeze to calm my mind. It ruffled my sandy- blond hair slightly and settled me a little. I was tempted to jump and whistle for my Loftwing, but found I lacked the energy. Life in Skyloft had been peaceful and even happy. Zelda was safe and Groose wasn't a bully. Things weren't even this good before the rise of Demis. One would think I had never been happier, but, unfortunately that was not the case.

After Zelda had been taken, I knew what I had to do. I felt I had no choice but to protect her. In the moment, I even thought I loved her. After the events, however, my affection toward the woman changed to a strong friendship. If she were kidnapped again, I wouldn't hesitate to save her, but I know I am not in love with her.

I was given the job of one of the high councilmen after I defeated Demise, so I was often busy, which kept my mind focused during the day. This was a good thing to keep me from remembering everything. However, in the evening, the nightmare always began.

It was the same dream every night. I would be sitting in a wide field full of rolling hills, combing my fingers through the deep, green blades. The sky would be a perfect blue dotted with puffs of cloud. The scene would stretch for as far as I could see and the air would be a perfect, calm warmth. Then it would suddenly change.

The sky would suddenly become full of clouds and darkness. It would begin to rain with winds that beat against my face, tearing at my skin. The grass would grow to a great length and wrap around my arms, legs and torso, holding me down. That's when the worst happens, a dark figure appears. It is only a large shadow at first but it shifts and moves, taking on the frightening form of Demise, looming over me. I struggle against the plant bonds in fright. I don't have a sword or any other protection against him! I am going to die!

Just as Demise is about to bring his mighty sword down upon me, I bolt awake soaked in sweat with a racing heart. This had occurred every single night. I told Zelda about this dream and she believes it is result of the trauma I went through. She even asked me which part of my adventure was the worst for me. I couldn't tell her. I only let her believe what she wished. She can think it is Demise who scarred me the most, but in the end, he was merely someone to take my real frustrations out on.

As I sit here, my mind wanders to my true fright. I can remember the moment clearly. I was so close to Zelda, there was only one more door to pass, but there was someone waiting. Even with his heavy cloak and his back turned I could sense he was dangerous. I felt frightened instantly but held my composure. When he spoke, it seemed the air itself froze and I felt chills run down my spine. However, the worst was when he disappeared, only to come up behind me and whispered in my ear. I felt rooted to the spot. I couldn't move as much as I would have loved to. I had never been so petrified in my life!

"Hey link!" I was forced out of my thoughts from Groose's deep voice. He bounded towards me with a smile on his face, "Daydreaming eh?" He laughed and plopped down beside me. Everyone in Skyloft found it odd that Groose was kind now, and even odder that we were friends. The strangest moment I could recall was when Groose's old gang was cornering a boy and threatening to throw him over with his mouth gagged so that he couldn't call his Loftwing. Groose walked up as if to join them but knocked their heads together telling them to back off. If I wasn't so dull lately, I would have laughed until my sides ached. Ever since that day, Groose has been everyone's best friend. The kids all look up to him and he's even started teaching them in an unofficial program after the academy hours.

"I know it's been hard, and you went through a lot, but you're not alone Link," Groose said with a pat on my back. I forced a smile for his sake. His words weren't actually helping at all. He hadn't been through near what I had. He didn't experience the pain and trauma that I did. He was hardly even a part of the whole adventure. But I couldn't say that, because I knew that it didn't really bother me. I was bothered by something else he couldn't possibly relate to. I thanked him half-heartedly and threw myself over the edge, whistling for my Loftwing, who swooped below me. Hopefully he won't follow me. After a moment I concluded that he'd wisely stayed on the land.

Riding my Loftwing had always been peaceful for me. As everyone always said, I have a special bond with my Loftwing. It's like we understand each other in ways no one else does. Even now that hasn't changed. It's the only peace I have left in this world.

I closed my eyes as the wind moved against my face, lifting my sandy-blond hair. My Loftwing made a small sound and leaned his head back as if to say he was there for me. I smiled and stroked his head affectionately.

I rode in silence for a few hours until the sun began to set. Even now, Skyloft isn't the safest at night, so there is still a strict curfew. Not that I'm afraid nor in danger, but I am an example for everyone else in Skyloft so I must follow the rules.

I hopped off my Loftwing and headed home. The chilly air of the coming night surrounded me. I shivered slightly, not yet used to the cool temperature. The Surface was a little warmer because of the thicker atmosphere and I almost missed it. Almost.

Suddenly, the air seemed to shift in an all too familiar way. I froze, my shivering no longer from the cold. I spun around, observing my surroundings, looking for a figure with white hair and ghostly pale skin, or the black and white version, whichever. I didn't see either, but that did nothing for my paranoia. He can teleport and blend into the shadows. Say what you like about me, but I know this feeling.

I had destroyed him! I know it! He is gone so this is only paranoia. I told myself this over and over as I walked home. Ghirahim can't come back. I killed him! If Fi were still here she would calculate my chances of overreacting to be 110% and she would be right!

I shut my door, strode to my dresser and yanked it open. Inside was a high quality sword that was made for me as an act of appreciation from Skyloft. Groose was given one as well, but his was much simpler. Mine's sheath was decorated with intricate gold designs and small sapphires. I didn't really want some reward, but I accepted it because it was a weapon and therefore, protection. I held it in front of me as I scanned the dark room. I saw nothing, but did not trust that.

I checked my entire room, even the most ridiculous places such as in my wardrobe and under my bed. It took me about forty minutes to accept that there is no one in my room but me. I sat on the bed and drew a deep breath. There's nothing here, I need to relax. I saw beginning to calm down when something small and white caught my eye. My panic sprung back quickly as I moved hesitantly toward the paper and picked it up as if it would explode on me. Written on it, was a note:


Meet me in the cave near the waterfall at midnight. Come alone.


I froze the second I saw the name. I chucked the paper as far away from me as the room allowed. This must be some sick joke! It must be! Ghirahim is dead! I personally slew him!

I stared at the crumpled up paper as uncertainty settled in me. What if Ghirahim had survived? It would be my duty as the Goddess's Knight to finish the deed. I can't turn my back on her now!

I glanced at the moon and felt a dread build up inside me. It's nearly midnight already! I took hold of my sword and sheathed it. I moved as silently as I could until I wasn't near any houses then I sprinted for the waterfall. I almost lost my nerve when I was near the mouth of the cave. I had to tell myself over and over again that it was my duty to protect Skyloft! To protect the world!

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