Chapter Fourteen

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I opened my eyes to see the beautiful field in front of me. The sky was beginning to lighten up and the light reflected off of the morning haze on the blue and green plants. I smiled at the sight, and settled back down to the comfortable surface below me. I was laying on something warm, comfortable and smelled... familiar.

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly, turning around. I had been laying on Ghirahim's chest!

"What. Why. The. How. Ghirahim!"

The demon's eyes shot open and he bolted up, looking around as if he'd heard a scream. "Wha- wha- I- Uh..." Seeing nothing, he glared down at me. "What possessed you to disturb my sleep Skychild?"

I bolted to my feet with my fists clenched, "I want to know why I woke up with my head on you! I fell asleep pretty far away!"

I noted a tension in Ghirahim. He awkwardly folded his arms and looked away, "Who knows? People move in their sleep all the time. It could have been anything." He turned back to me with a forced smile, "Next time, wake me more gently. I tend to be in a bad mood all day when startled like that. Well, we're all awake now. Might as well get going."

I glowered at him, knowing he's hiding something. I'll get it out of him later though. He is right that we need to get going.

I heard a chuckle and turned to see Zeefa flying around above us. "You two were so cute though! I didn't see how you ended up like that but I didn't really care to move you either." There was a mischief in her black eyes that made me want to pull her winds.

Ghirahim sighed. "That's enough Zeefa. Do you think you can picture the Crystal Ice Cave clearly enough for me to teleport there?"

She grinned wide and nodded eagerly. Ghirahim held his hand out to me with a half smile. I barely resisted the urge to cut it off. I settled for imagining it and took his hand with a tight grip, hoping to inflict pain. He chuckled and pulled me toward him roughly just as the sensation of teleporting overtook us.

When we arrived, I pushed back with a glare. Just as we broke contact, I felt nothing but cold. We were standing in snow waist deep on a mountain in the middle of a blizzard! I crossed my arms in an attempt to warm myself as my teeth chattered. I eyed Ghirahim with a look that said, Don't even think about it, when he took a step toward me. I rubbed my hands over my arms quickly, trying to use friction to warm myself up. This wasn't working. We'll freeze before we even find the cave.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't think about the cold! I'm sorry I'm-"

Ghirahim stopped Zeefa quickly, "None of us did. It's okay Zeefa, neither of us blame you."

I looked out into the distance and saw a blurry, white shape moving. I squinted and watched it... it's moving alright, moving fast!

"We've got company!" I shouted above the wind. Ghirahim was looking like his old self with all the snow piling onto him. Pretty soon all I'll be able to see will be his eyes. He was looking in the same direction and frowned.

"All we can do is hope it's friendly. Though I wouldn't count on it! Ice Demons tend to hate everything!"

I forced myself to loosen my arms so I could grab my sword easier if I needed it. My body hated me for taking away the little warmth it had. In moments, the demon made her way to us.

In front of us, was a ten foot tall woman with icy blue, shimmery skin, deep blue lips, white eyes and stark white hair that was pulled up intricately. She wore a white, form fitting coat that fell down to her feet and drug in the snow. She glared down at us as if she had just caught us stealing from her.

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