Chapter Twenty Eight

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Don't stop running. Don't stop going. Come on. Come on! He pushed himself as hard as he could feeling the sheen of sweat forming over his skin. His scrawny arms latched onto the limbs with ease as he sailed through the trees. He used his hands and tails, using every muscle in order to move as swiftly as possible. Every tree, leaf and animal was a blur that passed him as he moved. Soon he broke through the trees, landing gracefully onto the ground below. He didn't hesitate, but sprinted for the castle. Taiyasha was painted into his mind, with her cold smile as she revealed the awful news to him. Angry tears ran down his face as the image shifted to Nevaeh. This gave him the strength to continue on, pushing farther and faster to his destination. He would make sure Taiyasha suffered. He would put all of his pain and anger into hurting her. He couldn't do anything to Wenta, because that was Ghirahim's enemy, but he could settle for Taiyasha. As long as Wenta would get what he deserved eventually.

The castle was close now. His anger erupted as it came into view. He remembered the moment when he discovered his beloved's death. The anger. The... pain.

Ren stood up and roared. Not a small, angry howl of pain, but a monstrous roar as his lungs expanded. His arms quadrupled in size as he grew taller. His tails elongated and shifted to bushy, thick weapons. From his fingers grew razor sharp claws and his fangs elongated. As twenty Banes surrounded him, Ren's last bit of consciousness disappeared, leaving the monster within him to deal with the threat.

We appeared at the mouth of a large cave that seemed to be in the side of a cliff. I looked around, noting the damp walls and heavy rain outside. There were torches lining the walls, casting an eerie light all around the cave. Ghirahim picked one up and draped an arm over my shoulder, pulling me close for body heat. I flushed slightly, wrapping my arm around his waist. Lumious sat on my shoulder, huddling close to my neck for warmth. I looked down at him, almost breaking my neck from the angle I had to look. He was sending piercing glares to my left. I looked in the direction and snickered. He was looking at Zeefa, who was flying around the cave ahead of us. Ghirahim looked at me skeptically, but I only shook my head.

We walked deeper into the cave, following the winding path into the dark. I wasn't sure what we were looking for, but I trusted Ghirahim to know what he was doing. Personally, I wasn't minding the lack of excitement for the moment. I just wanted to be close to Ghirahim and neither of us risking dying... at the moment. I added the last part after remembering the toxin capsule embedded in my chest.

After about twenty minutes of walking, I heard a high pitched sound. I couldn't pinpoint the source, because it sounded like it was bouncing off the walls in all directions. I drew my sword quickly, looking around for an enemy. Ghirahim didn't do the same, he only squinted, looking deeper into the cave.

"Put your sword away young human. You impress no one with it." A female demon stepped into the light with her arms folded over her chest. She wore a long necklace with metal strips hanging from it to conceal her chest. She wore a loincloth on her hips that fell nearly to the floor. Her toes were long and clawed, almost like talons. Her skin was a smoky gray, and her keese like wings were black, pulled tightly to her back. Her brown hair draped between her wings in a mess. What caught my attention most though, was the strange thing covering her eyes. It pointed at her temples, down her cheeks and around her nose, then hooked behind her ears, as if it were a mask she couldn't possibly see through.

She turned in my direction and said softly, "You wonder how I see." I arched an eyebrow. That is true, but how did she... "I can sense your confusion. If you cover your ears, I will show you."

Bewildered, but curious, I covered my ears and watched her. Her chest expanded and she held her head up. She opened her mouth and that high pitched sound came again as her chest returned to its original size. She smiled and said, "You actually covered your ears. I may be blind, but I can see better than you or you My Lord. Welcome back."

Ghirahim pulled away from me and moved closer to the winded demon. "Are you the guardian here?"

She nodded once, "I am, but how can you know I am speaking the truth?"

Ghirahim laughed lightly, "My memories of you. But if you feel the need to prove it, then go ahead, show me where the shard is."

She shook her head, "You know it is not that simple young king. But that may have just been your test. You are very smart." She turned to me, "I am Tuschia. I am one of the guardians of the shards, but you needn't deliver your message. I have the gift of foresight, and I know what Nevaeh is planning. When you find the shard, I will no longer be here. Good luck My Lord." She walked toward the exit,then turned back. "Did Qif create the light faerie?"

Lumious puffed his chest out proudly, "Yes he did!"

Even though half was concealed, something about her face softened, "Excellent." She turned back around and sprinted forward before unfurling her wings and sped out of the cave with ease. I gave myself a moment to gape in awe at her talent. This cave is a tight squeeze and her wings are pretty large.

Ghirahim laughed at my reaction before leading us deeper into the cave. As we walked farther, The air grew damper and colder. I saw icicles forming above us, threatening to fall and maybe impale one of us any second. It would be ironic to die from a falling chunk of ice with the toxin in my chest. We came to a wall of ice, blocking our way. I pulled out my bow, creating a fire arrow and shot right through it, melting a few icicles on us in the process. This wasn't exactly good news, the water on our heads is bound to freeze eventually. Another problem, the water put Ghirahim's torch out.

"I can't see!" Lumious complained.

I let sarcasm drip into my voice, "Really? That's odd. You better get your eyes checked genius.

Lumious lit the cave up with his own glow then flew off with a huff. I heard Zeefa giggle behind me and turned to Ghirahim and we both smiled. Zeefa flew around the cave again so I took the opportunity to whisper to Ghirahim.

"I bet ten rupees they'll be sneaking off together before we find the next shard."

Ghirahim chuckled, "I'm betting it'll take a little longer. They seem bent on denying the chemistry." He pretended to sigh dramatically, "Tiny love."

We both laughed, causing the faerie's to look at us oddly. They lost interest quickly though and returned to their own exploring. With the light temporarily gone, I stretched up and wrapped my arms around Ghirahim. He felt tense, "Stop worrying. We'll be fine."

Ghirahim rested his forehead against mine and sighed, "What if-"

I silenced him with a kiss, "No 'what if's'. Just be here with me."

He nodded once and placed his hands on the sides of my face. "I just can't help it. It's a miracle you can stand me at all. I can't lose you."

I felt those words deep in my heart. I pulled his head down so I could kiss him again, letting my lips linger longer this time. When the light was returning to the room, I pulled back and took his hand, offering an encouraging smile.

"I saw a keyhole in the wall up ahead!" Lumious announced. I sighed and looked back at Ghirahim, "Are you ready?"

Ghirahim nodded. Lumious led the way to our next destination. Hopefully this won't take longer than a day. We don't have any longer to spare.

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