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the amount of times ive tried to write a new imagine for all 600k+ of you i can't think my writters block is becoming ridiculous, i started this book at the end of 2013 and i feel like ive grown a lot throughout the book so i really want to keep writting these and get better and just improve soooo.

i need your help, im opening up the comments for people to request people to do imagines and no i am not taking plot lines or special name references just plain and simple a celebrity name! i did enjoy making the special for my amazing readers but after the whole madison thing that's been closed on my account forever and im terribly sorry for that but you guys brought it on yourselves ((some of you))

also in other news I have a co-writer on this account and her names bubbles so please give bubbles a warm welcome to my account!

now please get commenting otherwise i won't update!!

- b💖

Fandom ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt