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Four Years Before:

Knock knock. "Who the hell is coming to my door at this time of the night?" I demand to myself. I fling the door open and a boy staggers in, without asking. "What the hell?" I demand.

"You have to help me. The Society is out to get me. I escaped. Barely. You have to help me!" My eyes widen. Another escapee. I can't let him go back, or be killed.

"Sure. I'll help you get away from the damned Imperium. My name is Jason. And you are?" I ask, looking at the boy's frightened eyes. They're so brown they almost look black.

"I'm Sam. Thank you!!" He cries.

"I'll get you some dinner. And you can sleep on the couch. I'll keep you safe from them." I say, getting food. He scarfs it in minutes. He sits back.

"Thank you. But how did you know about the Society?" He asks, suddenly leaning forward, staring at me intently. I lean over as well, matching his stare.

"Simple. I was part of the experiment one year. I was the last of that experiment. Two years ago." His eyes widen in realization.

"You're THE Jason. Oh my goodness am I glad I found you!" He shakes my hand. He walks to the couch, grabbing the blanket and falling asleep.

Grocery bags in hand, I struggle to get onto the train back home. It's been a month since Sam has stayed, and nobody from the Society has found him. I still get news from them. I have my ways. If you know where to look it's right there.

I grab my bags at my stop and maneuver through the people, until I get to my crappy apartment building. Damn New York foot traffic. I clamber through the window, and don't see Sam. "Sam! I'm home!" Figuring he's around, I put the items away, and sit for a while. Maybe an hour or so later, Sam still hasn't shown up. Alarms blare in my head. Where is he? I ask myself. I get up, and search the apartment. Nowhere. I go down the stairs, and search around. Finally, some unfamiliar shape is in the alley. Walking closer to inspect who it is, my breath hitches in my throat.

Sam. He's covered in blood, and wounds gaping all over his body. I drop to my knees, and look at him closer, his unseeing eyes staring into nowhere. Even though we weren't close, I still vowed to care for him, and here he is, dead. And it's all my fault. I can't do anything. I slowly walk back up the stairs, leaving his body. I can't look at it, much less move it. I go into the living room and lay there, staring at the ceiling. He's dead. And I know exactly who killed him. The Society. I hate that damned place. I can't take anyone in. Ever. I'm not going to go through this again.

Three Years Before

"Help!" A voice shouts. I run for the voice, adrenaline in my veins. A girl, she looks lost as hell. I kneel next to her.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking into her green orbs.

"The Society. It's going to get me. Nobody believes me. But you have to! The Society will kill me. They kill anyone who escapes." She rambles. I shake my head.

"Not everyone. " I state. Her eyes brighten in relief.

"You have to help me! You have to protect me."

"No. I can't. I risk to much as it is. I can't. I'm sorry."

"Please!! Please you have to! I'll be dead. Or worse. Taken back. I don't want to go back. I can't go back! You have to help me!" She screeches, tears running down her cheeks. I shake my head.
"No. I can't. I'm sorry. Goodbye. It was nice knowing someone tried to escape." I say, standing up. I keep walking, and don't look back as the girl screams for me to come back.

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