Chapter Two / The bits and pieces that get us where we're going

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[AN: Here's another chapter for you! It's a little scattered, but as I said before, I don't want to write a lot of 'boo hoo hoo, no one loves me... S/he won't be by me, s/he must hate me...' So this chapter covers about a month... lol. Also, keep in mind that Kerri has trouble trusting people, so she jumps to bad conclusions sometimes. Please enjoy, and feel free to message, vote, comment, or just read, and please don't hate me!]

Kurt's alarm went of on the table next to his bed, but he was already awake, and his tail flew forward, knocking it from the table.

He was still upset about how it had turned out a week ago, when he'd told Kerri they shouldn't be together.

He was only looking out for them, and what was in their best interest for the future, but she had started crying and flown away, angry at him, refusing to believe that he only wanted to protect her.

Kurt got out of bed, reluctant to leave the covers, wanting to stay there and hide. His foot touched a piece of dirty clothing, and he kicked the offensive thing away, even though he was the one who had dropped it there, uncaringly messing up his normally always clean room. The only thing he cared about and wanted right now was Kerri, and he wasn't allowed to be with her.

He reached into his closet, taking clothing out at random and putting it on. He'd rather stay in bed and hide all year until he could be with Kerri again, but he had a job to learn how to do.

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Kerri was sitting in the library behind the big, almost L -shaped desk.

She had a book in her hand, but she couldn't focus on it. She kept thinking about Kurt, and how she had reacted to what he had said to her.

She loved him, and he loved her, and he was right. It really would be safer if they didn't do anything together this year. She felt bad about how she had acted, feeling like she always looked like an idiot in front of him, especially when she was upset.

The drama class filed in, going to the play and poetry section of the library.

Gambit led them, talking about what they were supposed to do for the assignment, and she glanced up and away as Kurt passed her, her eyes full of regret.

She wanted to tell him she was sorry, that she'd had some time to cool down, and she understood better what he had been trying to say.

The rest of the class period dragged on as she waited to go talk to him.

Kurt stood in the back of the library, looking at the table he always met Kerri at. The good times they'd had at the table floated through his mind, making him even more down as the bell rang.

He didn't even realize that one of the students was trying to talk to him for a moment.

"Professor, are you ok?" She asked.

Kurt looked at her, tuning back into reality.

She was about three inches shorter than him, with shoulder length dark brown hair, bright hazel eyes, and lips that were always painted red. He tried to remember her name, Jill, Jane, Allie, Mellissa?

She was new this year, so he'd only known her for about a week.

"Ja, I am ok, vhat do you need help vizh?" He put on a smile, trying not to scare away the student.

"We~ll," she smiled and tilted her chin down a little, looking up at him cutely. "I was wondering; this part," she pointed to a line in the book she was holding, leaning close to him. "The guy is saying, "oh how lovely the face, like the sun glowing, radiating it's happiness on to me," but what does that mean?"

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