Chapter Sixteen / Time for a team up!

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[AN: Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story so far... and that you're not too mad about what's happening in the story lol. Also, good news everyone! Now that things have calmed down a bit, I've found more time to write in! Yay! Any how, here's another chapter, I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment, vote, message, or just read!]

Monday came, and it was back to classes. Kerri went through her session with Professor Xavier, history, math, science, danger room, and then it was time to sit next to Kurt in the drama room.

She thought about skipping, but she would have a really hard time with that in this small school, especially when the headmaster was a psychic and had Cerebro at his disposal. There would be nowhere to hide, and she didn't feel like dangling meat in front of the school's bulldog rules enforcer, Scott.

She waited until the bell rang and sat in the chair next to the desk.

"Dis week, we gunna work on the classics," Gambit announced to the class. "Anybody know a classic dey wanna go over?"

The students said some, and Kurt wrote them down.

Kerri couldn't help but stare at his hand as it moved across the paper, his hand writing flowing out behind it...

It reminded her of when they were together in the library, when they had been together, and her heart ached. Then her cheek remembered the feel of his hand against it, making her eyes tear up.

Kurt looked over at her and she looked away quickly, an angry look on her face. She wasn't angry at him, though, she was angry at herself for being so pitiful.

Kurt was confused. First she was smiling at him, then pissed off and running away, now she was staring over at him, but mad when he caught her...

He knew that women were crazy, but this was a little much from her.

When it looked like no one was paying attention, he leaned over and whispered, "Kerri..."

Kerri glanced at Kurt out of the corner of her eye and pain flashed through her chest as she remembered the lipstick on his lips from Capra.

She closed her eyes and her mind frantically tried to think of something to make him leave her alone. What was something that would set off memories that he'd want to stay away from?

Her dancing was something that might still be a sore subject for him. She couldn't just get up and dance around, though...

The song she'd danced to? That might work. She started quietly humming the song to herself, leaning around a little, then looked at Kurt as he pulled back with a look of distaste.

This trick worked for a few more classes, tormenting Kurt every time she used it, but she was sure it would stop one day.

On Monday, Kurt and Gambit had to announce to their fourth period that the yearly formal was coming up, and Kurt's heart throbbed.

It was true that Kerri was being as stubborn as a mule about talking to him, or telling him what was wrong, and that it was getting on his nerves sometimes, but he still loved her, and he hoped that she still loved him, too, even if she was being a pain in the ass. And it made his heart ache to think that she might go with someone else, it was true that he couldn't take her, but it still hurt.

Kerri was sitting in Science when Dr. McCoy said, "And now, I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about another kind of experiment we do here; a social experiment called a formal..."

Kerri had stopped listening to him, thoughts and memories from last year's dance were running through her head.

The rest of the day floated by, and Kerri found herself in the chair next to the desk in drama.

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