Chapter Twenty- Three / Kerri's graduation + a note!

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[AN: Yay!!!! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far! This is the last chapter of the second book's story line! (what I mean is that the next part is just a side story... lol) Anyway, thanks for staying with the story this far! I know it kind of ends weird, but I couldn't quite end it just right, since they aren't as close as they were, but the story isn't really over; there's the whole third book to go! Lol. Anyway again, I'll fill you in on what's going on in the last AN, so please feel free to comment, vote, message me, or just read, I hope you enjoy it!]

'Two days left,' Kerri thought to herself as she walked to her first class of the day. 'I need to get my thoughts together...' She was still trying to figure out if she could stand herself and what she'd done if she was going to stay in a relationship with Kurt.

She sat down on the couch in Professor Xavier's office, ready for her class with him to start.

He eyed her for a moment, then asked, "Are you excited about starting the end of your high schooling carrier tomorrow?"

Kerri looked up to him, then away. "I guess..."

"Are you worried about something?" He asked her.

She shrugged. "Not really... Just... Feels like the end, I guess..."

Xavier smiled knowingly. "It can feel strange, for something you've known for your whole life to end. Do you have any ideas about what you want to do after graduation?" Kerri shook her head. "You could still apply to college," he mentioned, but she looked unsure. "Or, have you thought about something like tutoring, or substitute teaching at one of the schools in the area? You could be good at that..."

Kerri looked up at him unsurely. "I've... never thought about that..."

"You have very high test scores," he reassured her. "I'm sure that you could manage either of those with relative ease."

Kerri thought about that as they talked about other things until the bell rang. She walked down the hall on her way to her next class, still pondering this new thought.

She had never thought about doing anything close to that before, usually thinking that she wasn't smart enough, but if Professor Xavier said she could, it might be possible.

She thought about this for a while, but then dismissed it to the back of her mind when she found Kurt sitting against the side of the school that night.

He looked up at her and smiled, his face seeming to glow with happiness, and she drifted toward him, a small smile of her own pulling up on the corner of her mouth.

Kerri sat next to him, and her smile grew as he pressed a button and turned off his image inducer.

Kurt's hand found Kerri's jaw and tilted her face up to brush his lips against hers. His heartbeat sped up as she reacted and kissed him back. He managed to keep himself in check, preventing them from going too far, but he was starting to find it hard again.

Kerri woke up in the morning and went directly to the ballroom, since Professor Xavier was there to set up things for the graduation. She helped for the period, then stayed and helped for the next period, too. After that was the run though so that the seniors knew what they were supposed to do tomorrow, and she sat in the chairs, then walked across the stage, then sat back down with the rest of the seniors while the instructions flowed through her ears without her paying attention.

Kurt left the Drama class at the end of the trail of students, making his way to the ball room and waiting behind the door until the seniors were allowed to leave.

As Kerri walked out, near the end of the crowd, he grabbed her waist with his tail and gently pulled her to him, waiting for the everyone else in the hall to get farther away before he quickly placed a kiss on her lips and pulled away with a smile. "So, you are about to graduate tomorrow, are you excited?" He asked.

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