Super Special / Part 2!

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[AN: Yay, another chapter of the super special! Not sure if I mentioned this in the last chapter, but this super special is going to be really short, only about six chapters it looks like. Then we'll get back to the real story! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, feel free to comment, vote, message, just read, or whatever!]

Kerri peeled her eyes open as an alarm went off next to her, but immediately shut them as sunlight assaulted them.

She reached over for the alarm, but couldn't find it. Her hand felt around until, finally, the noise stopped. Then she swung her feet over the edge of the bed and stood, rubbing her eyes.

She made her way to the door for the bathroom, but her foot hit her backpack and pain shot through her toe. "Ah! Ah ah ah!" She declared as she hopped around in pain.

She looked down at the offending object, then around the room.

She was still in her old room.

In her mom's house.

In the past, or whatever it was.

She'd been sure that she'd wake up back where she belonged, but now, she wasn't quite sure what was going on.

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The soccer ball got past his leg and Kurt turned to follow it, blocking one of the other guys with his shoulder, but then, as he looked around to check his surroundings, he saw her again. The girl who had called his name but refused to talk to him.

He watched as she walked past and the ball was stolen, kicked back to the group.

"Come on, Wagner, get your head back in the game!" Henry Gaffer, normally just Gaffer, called as he tried to block a kick.

Kurt turned and went back to the game.

Kerri pushed her things into her locker and looked up as Amanda stopped next to her. "Hey, ready for the test in history?"

Kerri looked at the ceiling and let out a groan. "Craaap..."

Amanda laughed. "Didn't study, huh?"

Kerri shook her head, even though it was really more that she was agitated that she was going to have to do more tests even though she'd graduated.

The door at the end of the hall opened and the boys she had seen playing soccer yesterday and this morning walked past.

Kerri couldn't stop herself from peeking up at Kurt as he passed.

As Kurt walked down the hall he looked over and caught the girl from before looking at him before she quickly hid her face. She turned around and closed her locker, then was lost to his view.

"Why did we have to come in this door anyway?" Gavin asked. "It's farther away from the lunchroom than the one we were next to."

"Aw, shut up Gavin," Gaffer told him. "Kurt just wanted to avoid the crowd, right, Wagner? You know all the girls are going crazy because there's like a month or something left until the dance and he hasn't asked anyone yet."

John elbowed Kurt and asked, "Yeah, why haven't you asked anyone yet? That girl, Lindy, she's pretty hot, and pretty easy!" He laughed. "Plus, I heard she's waiting for you to ask her, said no to a bunch of guys."

Kurt shook his head to John and laughed. "Man, I don't vant your sloppy seconds," he joked, but it hurt him a little to say that.

He really wasn't interested in Lindy; she was a shallow gold digger who wasn't that great of a person, he only hung around her because it was expected of him due to his social status.

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