Chapter Twenty / A last minute change to the roster...

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[AN: Woot! My training class is so ahead of where we need to be! Of course, the computers won't let us get onto Watpad, and we're not allowed to have our phones out... But I got this one out anyway! lol anyway, here it is, I hope you enjoy it, even though it's a little more sad/ melancholy than I'd like it to be... Please feel free to vote, comment, message me, or just read!]

Kerri tied the long delicate fabric at her waist into a bow, which was a little difficult because it was behind her.

She looked at her back in the mirror to check that it was straight, then turned to check her whole dress.

It almost touched the floor and was made from a beautiful, white fabric. The fabric that she had tied belonged to a flowing accent ruffle at the seem of the skirt made out of a light as air, almost see through fabric that was a swirling mesh of the rainbow and matched the short off the shoulder sleeves and wrap that had come with it.

The dress looked beautiful, and she thought she looked ok in it, it wasn't too tight or loose and it hung on her nicely.

Her eyes moved to her face in the mirror. She stepped closer and studied her reflection. Her eyes were large and moist looking, her cheeks accented just so as if she was on the verge of blushing, and her lips looked ripe and tender, perfect for kissing. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail at the base of her neck. Half of the hair was left down and the other half was divided again and braided, with the resulting braids wrapped around the top of her head, making a braided crown.

She pulled the part of her hair that was down over her shoulder and ran her fingers through it as she looked at her make up. She'd gotten better at applying it, and it showed, but she still felt a little strange about wearing it around all the other students.

Finally she looked at the clock and sighed. "Time to go to the ball," she said to herself. "Maybe I'll get lucky and find prince charming before my carriage turns back into a pumpkin... Not that I'm looking..." She added in a grumble as the thought about how Kurt was the perfect prince charming came into her mind uninvited.

Kurt stood at the door, watching as the students walked into the ball room, making sure that they were all in fancy dress. He smiled to them as they came in, but he was remembering how last year he had been outside in the hall, waiting for Kerri to come down the stairs. He'd turned off his image inducer and waited until she'd come down, wearing a green ballgown, so beautiful his heart had fluttered and skipped a beat.

His was pulled out of his reverie by Gambit, who tapped him on the shoulder and told him he was there to be his replacement.

Kurt walked into the dance and stood next to Hank by the wall.

He looked over the crowd of dancing students,  watching to make sure that no one was breaking one of the many rules on Scott's list.

It was about twenty minutes into the dance when Kurt caught sight of Doug, and recognized him as Kitty's friend that she always talked about computers to. He was the one that Kerri was here with, if he remembered correctly.

He looked away, not wanting to see them together, not wanting to have to see Kerri in her green dress again and have his heartbeat turn erratic only to have to watch her dance with someone else.

He somehow managed to avoid seeing Doug and Kerri for another hour as he wandered around the room aimlessly, not really looking at the students as they danced.

Kurt made his way back to where Hank was delicately sipping punch from a cup and stood silently. He was listening to the song that was blaring from the speakers, trying not to pay attention to his thoughts of Kerri.

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