Chapter Ninteen / Oh, didn't I mention that there'd be more?

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[AN: Sorry it's taking me so long to get these chapters out lately guys, the hours for the training I'm in are getting switched around, then put back, then mentioned as different, then... lol. Anyways, here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to vote, comment, message me, or just read!]

Kurt sat at the desk in the drama class.

"Hey, where our little TA?" Gambit asked.

"Zhe Professor let her change classes," Kurt told him, sounding dreary.

"Why dat? We only got about a month left of school," Gambit asked, confused.

"Because of me..." Kurt told him.

"How you mean?"

Kurt sighed. "I- kissed her."

"Good for you, ami!" Gambit told him.

"Nein. She... started crying, and jumped off of a fifty story building..."

"Whoa now, jumped off a fifty story building?" Gambit asked.

Kurt nodded miserably.

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Kerri walked down the hall towards the gym, headed towards being a TA for Logan.

Doug caught her as she passed the elevator to the basement floors. "Hi Doug," she said as he touched her elbow to get her attention.

"Hey, Kerri, I've heard some rumors that you are a great dancer," he told her.

Kerri scoffed. "Yeah, well I guess I didn't fall on my face, so that's something," she told him, thinking of when she'd been dancing at the club.

"I meant at the formal last year," he told her. "I heard you did the waltz and everything."

"Oh," Kerri blushed. "Yeah."

"So, you wanna teach me how to dance?" He asked her.

She stopped walking and looked at him. "I..." She trailed off, her gaze drifting toward the floor as she remembered practicing waltzing with Kurt.

"Are you ok?" Doug asked.

Kerri's eyes jumped back to his. "Oh, yeah... Sorry. I guess if you want to learn, I could teach you..."

Kerri found out that being a TA for Logan consisted of fighting and running obstacle courses with the freshmen to toughen them up while Logan drank beer and watched them.

"Kid, make 'em run faster," he called to her.

She looked to him then called out as she ran, "Lift those feet girls, move like you got a pair, lift that bale, tote that barge, run that course!" The freshmen tried to speed up, but a couple of them were left behind. "Anyone left behind has to fight to the death, with spoons!" She called to them. "Only the best of the best will survive at the end of the year!" They ran faster, completing the course before the class was over.

Kerri walked out of the locker room to see Professor Xavier waiting for her. "Hi, Professor."

"Hello Kerri. I was wondering if I could talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure, I've got a minute," she answered and followed him to his office and sat on her usual couch.

"So, Kerri. I'm getting things ready for the end of the year, and in order to be able to submit your credits to the state, I need to get the ones from your last school," he told her, gauging her reaction. She nodded and he continued. "I'll need your last name for that," he told her.

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