Chapter Fourteen / Some, lets call it... frustration...

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[AN: Only one more fourteen hour day, and only four more early mornings! Woot! Merry Christmas, happy hollidays and good whatever! Hope you all had a good day, even if you don't celebrate anything today other than being alive. Ok, so, I go through and read or write, or edit parts of books, and sometimes they're naughty, hey, it's life, it happens... But then I find myself giggling tee hee hee... And realize that I'm too old to be giggling like a little middle schooler when they're just kissing! Lol! Oh yeah... Remember how this is rated R? Yeah... so some stuff happens here, I think it's only PG-13 but who knows... Anyway, here's yet another chapter... I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to vote, comment, message or just read!]

The days passed and Kerri worked, dancing, talking to Jonah and his friends who he brought with him, going home, feeling like she could almost feel Kurt's hands on her, teasing her skin.

She could feel the desire building over time, and as she walked in from work one night, she passed Kurt as he stood outside, looking up at the sky.

Her heart started beating faster, her body ached for him to hold her close, her lips were almost sore from missing him, her hand shook against her leg...

"Gute nacht, Kerri," he said, and his voice sent shivers down her spine.

"G-good night," it came out almost strangled and she ran in, trying to escape the sexually charged feelings, and almost ran into Logan.

"What's up, Kid?" He asked.

"I- I have some... Let's call it... frustration- to work out..." she said, a blush threatening to cover her cheeks. "Can I have some time in the Danger Room?"

"Yeah," he stood and they made their way to the Danger Room, Logan going up to the control room to run it.

Kerri was so worn out that she was out as soon as her head hit the pillow when she finally stopped taking her "frustrations" out on the punching bag.

Another week passed this way; going to work and having the sexual frustrations swirling around her, the feelings getting stuck in her body, coming home and punching her frustrations out in the danger room, going to bed, getting up for school, going to class, napping, and starting it all over.

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It was after school and Kurt was grading papers at the desk when Gambit came in and leaned against the desk. "So, mon ami, Gambit hear dat your little fille work at a bar in a skimpy outfit." Kurt nodded. "Maybe we should go check it out, neh?"

Kurt looked up at him apprehensively. "Ahhh, vell, I don't know... Ve are teachers and she is a student..."

"Don't worry about it, we just goin' to get a drink, ain't our fault if the little chere our waitress..."

And so Kurt and Gambit walked into club.

"Rêves les plus fous, eh? Maybe your wildest dreams come true, no?" Gambit asked him, but Kurt was busy looking around at the place.

Teal and a dark red, the stage where three women were dancing by poles on the stages, in a booth a woman was massaging her feet while four men watched, Kerri sitting at a table with three guys, a woman with plates of food in front of her- Wait, Kerri sitting at a table with three guys? "Kerri," he whispered.

Gambit looked over to where he was looking and saw her sitting next to a group of men. "What she doin' over dere?"

Kerri was sitting with Jonah and his two friends, they were talking about video games, and Kerri smiled, laughing as one of them said, "Yeah, then you can go to the shops and buy the item, then everyone's a furry."

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