Chapter Thirteen / Lina's first dance

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[AN: Yay found time to put out another chapter! Reminder, this story is rated R for a reason... If you don't know about strippers or are offended by them... well no one really strips here so it doesn't really matter, but there are some sexually suggestive sections coming up. Won't be offended if you skip them, pretty much just setting up the twitch in personality coming up. Oh boy, they want her to dance... time to sink or swim Kerri!]

'Tomorrow' came faster than Kerri remembered any day coming before.

She was so nervous through class that she didn't finish any of her homework. When it came to be her free period, she went to her room, making sure that as she passed someone she grew her tail and ears. She put on the outfit Danni had picked out for her.

The shirt was almost black, and tightly laced, showing every curve and, she thought, imperfection on her body. The shorts where tight, black as well, and she hardly managed to get her tail through the hole she'd made. They didn't even come down to her finger tips, but at least they didn't quite show her underwear, and the bright colored tiny skirt, which she couldn't imagine was longer than five inches, went on over it, covering the hole her tail was coming from. She put the tall heels on and looked at herself in the mirror.

She felt naked, but she tried to assure herself that the outfit was still about as covering as her training outfit. She could see through the shirt a little, so she put on skin tight a spaghetti strap tank top under it, just in case.

She turned on some music that sounded like the stuff from the club and practiced the moves Danni had taught her, she was dancing for a few minutes before she caught sight of herself in the mirror. 'Oh man, I look so stupid,' she thought as she stopped dancing. 'No way I'm going to be able to dance tonight...'

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Kerri was nervously standing in the dressing room, still wearing her duster coat.

Danni walked in, talking to Tammi. "Yeah, so then I was telling him that I don't care what some idiot on a chat line said, I'm actually a nurse- oh, hi Kerri, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing, just..." She was fighting to keep her tail and ears away for the time being.

"Just nervous?" Danni asked.

"Yeah," Kerri said.

"Don't worry," Danni laughed. "I'll explain it all, you see, first they'll announce you, then you'll go out there, and dance to one song, then you can move down and go to sit with people, or dance at one of the other spots," she said as she took Kerri over to the vanity and started on her make up.

Tammi helped pull her hair out of the single pony tail and started a braid the went around the side of her head. She ended it and pulled it into a pony tail that somehow defied gravity and stuck up instead of down.

A few of the other dancers came and started on their makeup and hair, wishing her good luck as they left the vanity to change, and a few of the waitresses came to check out what she was wearing, who she was supposed to be, but they walked away not knowing due to her duster coat.

"You should put on the tail and ears now, so you can get used to them," Tammi suggested. "I mean, remember how bad we all were with the wings." She laughed, but Kerri wasn't sure what to say. She couldn't outright tell them that they were hers and that she was used to them already, so she just nodded and went into the bathroom for a second before coming out with the duster over her arm, letting her tail and ears free of restraints.

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