Chapter 2

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Shadow's POV
We sped down the highway into town. I loved the feeling of the wind through my quills. I enjoyed the fact of being able to get it without me having to get all hot and sweaty in order to feel it. Don't get me wrong I love to run but I love doing this also, and by the size of Sonic's grin and his tight grip around my waist I can tell he is enjoying it to.

I knew he didn't remember our anniversary, I could tell it in his voice. He always stutters and tries to defend himself when he lies. I decided to let him by this one time, because i know there has been something on his mind lately that he won't tell me about.

I'll get him to tell me... eventually. Until then though, I just want to enjoy our first year of marriage with the man who made it possible. And besides I had a plan and him not remembering just made this a while lot easier.

We drove for about half an hour when we arrived to first spot on our list, an old run down shack.

"Shadow what are we doing here?" "Oh I just need to pick up something you wait right here and I'll be right back,". I then ran in and walked over to front desk.

A little old lady was sitting behind the desk in a rocking chair petting an old gray and black tabby cat." Hello deary what can I do you for?" She asked in her old granny voice. "Hi, I called earlier and ordered something and they said they would drop it off here?" I asked with almost a whisper making sure Sonic didn't hear.

"Aaw yes I remember! It arrived not to long ago here you wait here a minute and let old granny here go fetch it for you!" The women then got up and disappeared behind a blanket that she used as a curtain.

I stood there tapping my foot impatiently. "Shadow darling is everything alright?What's taking so long?" Sonic's voice sounded eager and impatient I hated making him wait,"Umm everything is fine love I'll be back out in a minute," I hear him groan but reply with an ok.

I sighed with relief. I was glad he didn't walk in and see what I was doing. I then went back to waiting for the old lady," Come on granny how long does it take to fetch a box?" I mumble to myself I was gradually grew more impatient.

As if on cue the old lady finally emerged back from behind the blanket curtain tugging along with her a very large box. "Here you go sonny," she said handing me the box over the counter. " So that is quite the special something in there who's the lucky lady? Is that her outside?," she asks as she heard Sonic humming and walked over to her shop's window.

"My my she's a pretty little thing isn't she? Your a lucky man to get a catch like that," she elbowed me in the ribs which made me loose some of my breath. For an old lady she packs a wallop.

"Yes thank you ma'am he is my husband and me and him will be celebrating our anniversary tonight." I put as much emphasis on the 'he' parts as I could as the old lady first looked at me confused and then looked at Sonic and then back at me then just nodded her head, smiled and walked back to her counter.

"I will never understand old people," I thought to myself as I grabbed the box and walked back outside to meet Sonic.

"Hey Sonikku I'm back you miss me?" "Terribly!... Hey what's in the box ShadyKuu?" He asked and tried to reach for the box to take a peek. "Nah ah! Down boy! You'll see as soon as we get home we still have a few more stops to make first," I put the box in a little bag that I had built into the side of my motorcycle so I could carry stuff like this with ease.

I sat on the seat and revved the engine taking a quick glance at Sonic and seeing he was pouting. "Aww Sonic don't give me that face you'll see well be done with the errands in no time then you can see what's in the box, I promise."

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