Chapter 10

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Shadow's POV
I closed the book for the third time that day. I set it on the coffee table in front of the couch as I leaned back to try and wrap my head around understanding Sonic's whole pregnancy thing.

I learned some much about being pregnant. The mood swings, the cravings, the stress, but there was one thing I was looking forward to..... the sexual anxiety.

I face palmed myself at that thought,' Stupid why are you thinking that! Sonic is in no condition to even be doing stuff like that let alone think of it.'

I sighed as a realization hit me. ' Man I can't believe it, in nine months I'm gonna be a father! But wait...... how did this happen?'

I sat there on the couch and pondered on that thought for a moment until my thoughts were interrupted when my world went black,'WHAT TH-' "Guess who?".

I was right in the middle of a panic attack when a rather very familiar angelic voice spoke. I intently calmed myself when I put my hands on his.

"Hmmmm......let me see" I began to rub my hands on his gloves. "Ooooo silky gloves.." I then moved up to his arms and started rubbing them," Hmmm... sexy, muscular arms..." I then turned around with my stomach facing the back of the couch and my eyes still being covered.

I then put my hands on his shoulders and began to rub them earning a low groan and a purr from him,"broad, sturdy shoulders..." I then let me hands trail down his stomach and take their place on each of his hips and began to stroke and rub them," oooo and these thick curvy, sexy hips and tight fit stomach."

I then smirked as I had earned another low arousing groan from Sonic. "This can't be my precious little Sonikku can it?" "The one and only," he said as he jumped over the back of the couch and pushed me over to where I was laying on my back on the couch and he had his legs spread on top of me pinning me underneath him.

I then faked a frown and looked at him hoping he would take the bait. "What's the matter ShadyKu," he asked as he cocked his head.

~He took it!

"Oh nothing Sonikku sweety I'm just a little discouraged,"" About what darling?"" I didn't get to finish my analysis before I came up with my conclusion, I never got a chance to touch your face and examine those lips of yours," I smirked as he have me a relieved but also anxious and dirty smile.

"Would you like to continue your analysis Professor Shadow?" he joked as he leaned over my face seducivly.

Our gazes met as we couldn't help but stare in each other's eyes. My crimson eyes burned with the passion and lust I felt for my lover. While his emeralds burned with the innocence, passion and desire that made me fall in love with him the first time I saw him.

He leaned forward a little more and our lips finally met. Our kiss was deep and passionate. I tugged at the bottom of his lip with my teeth begging for him to let me have access. He obliged happily.

My pink muscle happily explored the sweet inside of his mouth. Observing every texture and memorizing the feel of his sweet tongue on mine as he kissed back with the same amount of love and passion and the sweet taste of vanilla and honey that glazed the inside of his mouth as we continued.

We both hesitantly pulled away about a minute and a half later due to lack of oxygen. I wrapped my arms around  Sonic's body pulling him down so he lay on me.

He snuggled his head in my chest and then moved to creak of my neck and began cascading  it with sweet adorable kisses. He then stopped and rested his head on my shoulder with a sigh.

I was confused with the sigh. It didn't sound like the ones that I was use to hearing, so that made me concerned I sat making him sit up with me so he was straddled on my lap now.

I turned my head to my shoulder and spoke in his ear,"Sonic honey are you alright," he nodded with his head still down and facing away from me.

I didn't by that act one bit. I then took my hand and put it under his chin and lifted it up to where our gazes met once again. And what I saw surprised me greatly.

Narrator's POV
Shadow stared into Sonic's eyes and Sonic returned it. He eyes filled with curiosity and worry for his lover as he began to wipe away the stray tears with his thumb and his lover's wet cheek.

" Sonic what is troubling you so, I know something is wrong please tell me?!?," Shadow begged as he cupped his cheek. Sonic couldn't it back anymore, he began to sob into Shadow's touch as he laid his hand on Shadow's. "I'm sorry Shadow. Really I am. I thought I could hold it in Shadow but I couldn't."

Shadow just looked at Sonic with a confused look as he asked what he meant. " It's just there has been so many times where I just sit by myself and think about all the possible outcomes for our child Shadow. I a to help but do so. What if I'm not a good parent and our child ends up hating me, or what if something goes wrong during the birth and we loose it, or what if it gets sick and I don't know how to take care of it? Oh chaos Shadow I don't know what I would do if I was the one responsible for the death of our child! I mean chaos Shadow I almost was for crying out loud! Gosh Shadow I don't think I'm ready to be a parent Shadow I have no idea what I'm doing!"

After he said what he had to say he out his head in his chest fur and continued to sob.

Shadow's POV
I listened carefully to Sonic absorbing each and every sorrow filled word of his that escaped from his mouth. The pregnancy book that Dr. Harris had given me had mentioned this before.

It was just a small state of depression, denial and uncertainty that the mother, or in this case father, would  go through. I knew this was gonna come soon so I prepared myself for this moment.

I then began to stroke his back and quills till his sobbing had subsided and he was just hiccuping. I then laid him down and put his head on my lap while I rested my back on the back of the couch.

I then continued  to sooth him by rubbing his back still along with a few reassuring words," love do not fret about the baby. The baby will come out strong and healthy and it will love both of us greatly. As for you though you shouldn't worry about not knowing what you are doing. I'm in the same boat as you love. I've never been a parent before let alone took care of a baby so this will be a new experience for both of us, but I can assure you this darling.

You are a beautiful, loving, caring, intelligent, adorable little hedgie who I think will make a fine and very proud mother to this little pup no matter if you know what your doing or not. Trust me your motherly instincts will kick in sooner then you think, and when they do then you'll be counting down the moments until we both will get to hold the sweet thing in our arms. Just wait and see my love."

Sonic sat up and kissed my cheek and thanked me for my sweet words and then Mayes back down and  closed his eyes and smirked. He then began to purr as he dozed off into a deep sleep.

Sonic's POV
I laid my head on Shadow's lap after I thanked him for husbanded reassuring words and began to think to myself,"Shadow was right! I do have no need to worry about this. Him and I will make great parent just wait and see. I wonder how he seemed so calm about all of this though? He seemed like he was almost prepared for all of this in a way, and what did he mean by motherly instincts? Oh well I'm not going to worry about I'll ask him later for now all this crying and worrying had made me tired." I concluded my thought and fell asleep dreaming about how my baby will look.

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