Chapter 6

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Shadow's POV
I was running through the forest. "SONIC! SOONNIICC!!SOOOOONNNNNIIIIIIICCCCC!!! I screamed as I ran through the forest yelling his name.

'Ugh! Where could he possibly be! He couldn't have possibly gone far in his condition!" I continued to look and look.

I eventually halted my search and leaned against a tree and tried to catch my breath. I was just about to give up my search when I heard a scream coming from the cliffs.

My breath suddenly hitched as I recognized the scream. "I'M COMING SONIKKU HANG ON!" I yelled and took off towards the sound that the scream came from.

Sonic's POV
"NO PUT ME DOWN! NOW! PLEASE!" I begged as I tried to wiggle out of my captures grasp. I was trying to loosen his grip from around my waist so he wouldn't harm the child I was carrying inside of me.

"No way blue. You think i would let an opportunity like this pass by without taking advantage?" He asked as he smirked an evil toothy grin showing off his row of fangs.

"Besides I missed you blue we had fun times together didn't we?" He stoked my check which sent shivers down my spine. I have up and began to shudder and whimper, and tear up at his touch. I couldn't fight anymore. I was weak from the struggling I had done before and from the stress that the baby already puts on my body.

"Awww blue what's the matter you've never given up on a fight this easily?" He chuckled at how easily I was giving up and flung me over his shoulder.

I gasped at the impact as his shoulder hitting my stomach. I felt like vomiting from the feeling and I hoped that didn't cause any damage to the child.

I cried as he began to walk and I used the last of strength and called out for Shadow before I was knocked unconscious by a gloved hand.

Shadow's POV
I had made it to the cliffs, but fell to my knees when I found nothing. I began to shudder and cry as I peered over the edge thinking the worst of things.

"Sonic! Oh Sonic! Why didn't you just talk to me! We could have figured it out together and things wouldn't have had to end this way!" I scolded over the side of the cliff as the sound of my voice was swallowed by the mouth of the winds being made by the vicious unforgiving sea.

I sat on the edge and couldn't think if what else to do with my life. He had everything. My love. My hope. My happiness. My trust...... My child. I couldn't live with the guilt that I had somehow caused this. I beat my self mentally for not noticing it sooner.

I stood up and looked down at the rushing waters below and took a deep breath. "I will join you and our precious child Sonikku then I will hopefully make things right!"

I was about to take my leap of faith when I heard a voice being carried by the wind.


~What who said that?

~listen. It repeated

I backed away from the cliffs and stood there. I closed my eyes and turned my senses up all the way. Then I heard it. I heard it! Voices! and I knew exactly who they were!

I opened my eyes and saw a white, fainted silhouette of a young girl with blond curly hair that barely passed her shoulders. She wasn't much taller then me and wore a blue dress. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce into my soul as she stared at me.

"Maria?" I whispered as she nodded her head. "Shadow you have come to far to give up now. You fate does not end like this, you know what you have to do now do it." Even thought she didn't speak much she had said enough, I did know what I had to and that was save my Sonikku from Scourge's evil clutches.

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