Axis + Canada & Prussia: Reacting to learning they are going to be Dad's

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Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt

Ludwig would be stunned into silence for a few moments. He'd probably smile the biggest smile you've ever seen right before he'd kiss you. A few days after though, his excited chattering will stop and he'll move onto the more serious side of the whole situation.

North Italy/Feliciano Vargas

Feli would probably pick you up and spin you around if he was able to. He'd cover you in kisses and rub your belly. He would be over joyed to be a father!

Japan/Kiku Honda

He would react calmly despite being extremely excited. He'd grab your hands and kiss you and the two– three– of you would probably celebrate by going out to dinner. Kiku would take to pampering you and picking out cute things for the nursery. He might be a bit cautious with you eating certain foods after that.


Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt

Gil would grin and wrap you up in his arms. He'd press his face into the crook of your neck and whisper to you about how excited he was to be a dad and about how he couldn't wait until the baby was born. You'd end up cuddling on the couch after the confession. (Headcanon that if Gilbert's s/o was pregnant he would spend a lot of time talking to their belly and sing songs to humor the baby.)

Canada/Matthew Williams

Matthew would embrace you and kiss you very sweetly. You two would probably lay down on the couch, your head in his lap. He'd play with your hair and you'd discuss baby names and nursery themes.


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