Face Family + Prussia: Reaction to their Daughters heart being broken.

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Face Family

France/Francis Bonnefoy

Although Francis isn't the most violent of people, you could be sure he'd be ready to beat whoever hurt his daughter. He'd take to comforting her with her favorite movies and candy. After calming her down, he'd be calmer as well. France might not go directly to the persons house but anytime he sees them they can expect to get told off.

England/Arthur Kirkland

Artie would be royally pissed. Who dared hurt his precious daughter? He'd fix her a cup of tea and talk it out with her. "What did they say? What reason did they give? It's okay poppet, you'll find someone much better!" Dad will make everything better again. He, much like Franny, wouldn't approach the person directly, but you can be assured he'd kick their ass if he ever saw them around town.

America/Alfred F. Jones

Alfred would take the violent route here. He'd be extremely distressed at his daughters miserable state and would probably buy her tons of chocolate (and honestly anything she asked for). He'd immediately go find the culprit and bring him forth to apologize to his daughter.

Canada/Matthew Williams

He'd turn bright red; Not from embarrassment but from rage. He adored his sweet little girl and anyone who had the balls to berate her and make her feel so dejected would pay the price. Although he might want to kill someone now, later on he'd calm down a bit and realize that everyone has a right to end a relationship they're not happy in. He'd still be bummed that his daughter suffered from someones (bad) choice.


Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt

Gil has quite a quick temper and you can bet your ass he'd kill anyone who hurt his little girl. He'd march right over to their house and give them an hour long speech on how terrible they were for making his daughter so upset. If the person tried to be aggressive in anyway Gilbert would fight the bitch!


Link to my original post: http://aphimagining.tumblr.com/post/133232227585/face-family-prussias-reaction-to-someone

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