Canada+America+Russia+China+Prussia: Holding their Newborns.

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Canada/Matthew Williams:

Matthew would be overly cautious to begin with. He would be scared of dropping or hurting the baby, but after a good five-ten minutes of the child cooing at him, his heart would melt. You'd find him holding the baby like a pro and to be entirely honest he would probably be hesitant about even giving the baby back to you.

America/Alfred F. Jones:

Alfred would be absolutely terrified. Don't get me wrong, he loves kids, but babies not so much. He's absolutely clueless when it comes to newborns, but hopefully he'll get by with just supporting the head well. After being around the baby a bit more his anxiousness might decrease and he might even hold them comfortably.

Russia/Ivan Braginski:

Ivan would be ecstatic to hold his child. Although this may be his first time, he'd take to holding the newborn naturally. He'd probably end up with a huge, dopey smile on his face and would hold the baby as long as he could. 

China/Yao Wang:

Yao had raised several children before and so its only natural that he held the baby with ease. He'd coo and talk to them most of the time and would be waving around a plushy to get their attention.

Prussia/Gilbert Beilscmidt:

Gil would get very emotional and might even cry a little bit. He'd be so happy; Especially if the baby looked like him. He'd easily carry around and hold the newborn, but not holding them was what the real problem was.


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