!!NSFW!! Face Family: Kinks and Turn Ons

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France/Francis Bonnefoy:

-D A D D Y K I N K, maid outfits, and body worship

-Loves when his s/o bites their lip

-Really, really, really likes when his s/o sits on his lap

England/Arthur Kirkland:

-Enjoys restraining s/o (handcuffs, ropes)

-Really enjoys roleplay, but only specific situations

-When his s/o bends over or exposes themselves for him it really gets him going

-Kind of enjoys sexual humiliation

America/Alfred F. Jones: 

-Enjoys having strip teases

-Loves when his s/o sits on his lap

-Likes being teased and restrained

Side note: Alfred is actually super submissive??? He loves being dominated.

Canada/Matthew Williams:

-Food kink, begging

-Really Matt is just a vanilla sex guy

-Although he might spank his s/o if the sex is particularly rough


Link to my original post: http://aphimagining.tumblr.com/post/133040163415/face-family-kinksturn-ons-i-love-your-blog-by

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