Axis + Prussia & Spain: How they react on their Wedding Day.

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Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt

Ludwig would be the type of guy to be drenched in sweat he'd be so nervous. His hands would be clammy as fuck and his hair would droop, especially if you had an outdoor wedding. As soon as he laid eyes on you his sweating would intensify. He'd turn scarlet and smile widely although feeling queasy.

North Italy/Feliciano Vargas

Feli would be more excited than nervous and he wouldn't turn into a giant, red sweaty potato when he laid eyes on you. As soon as you reached him at the end of the aisle he'd grab your hands and kiss your cheeks.

Japan/Kiku Honda

Kiku would be very nervous although he seemed calm. On the inside he'd be having a slight panic attack and would want to curl up under a bush somewhere and hide. His first sighting of you would kill him a little bit inside because wow you're so beautiful. Kiku would smile gently and probably blush.


Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt

He'd have a similar reaction to his brother. There'd be less sweating and he wouldn't blush to much though.

Spain/Antonio Fernandez Carriedo

He'd be so happy. A huge bright smile would cover his face and as soon as you reached him he'd mumble something about how beautiful you looked and how excited he was to marry you.


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