Chapter 3

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Ava's POV

I heard that same voice shouting my name, Jack.

"What now?" I rolled my eyes a little causing him to put his head down.
"Listen, I'm not as bad as you think, can I please just prove that to you?" He seemed serious plus he was wearing leather and god he looked hot in leather.
"Fine, you can 'prove' you're a nice guy." He smiled at me softly, not one of his usual cheeky smirks, it was a genuine smile. "I'll text you." He said as he walked away. I was glad I was giving him the chance, not many people would.


I got a text saying to be ready for 8 and to wear casual clothes, so I did as i was instructed.
Jack knocked on the door and I quickly opened it.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he held his hand out and I placed my hand in his.
"My place." I thought id at least be going somewhere interesting but staying in was my kind of thing.

The car journey to his was awkward at first then we got into a good conversation and it felt nice to just talk to him, he was really proving he wasn't as bad as people make out.
We pulled up at a load of apartments and I guessed he lived alone. I followed him into his place and it was amazing. The living room was huge along with his bedroom and the spare bedroom. The kitchen was lovely aswell.

"What do you want on?" I looked and him and asked what he was talking about.
"Films? We're watching movies, what do you want on?"
"Oh Erm, the fault in our stars?"
He rolled his eyes but put it on as I wished.
As soon as the movie started, he came and put his arm around me which caused me to snuggle into him more, I wasn't complaining, it was nice.


After about 3 movies I was getting tired and I told Jack I think we should end the night there.
"It's 2am Ava, do you want to stay over, its too much effort to drive now."
I nodded and gave him a quick smile as he walked into his bedroom to find me something to sleep in.
"Here!" He threw me one of his t-shirts and I went into the bathroom to put it on.

Once i left the bathroom I didn't know where jack was so I assumed he'd gone to sleep. I went to walk into the guest bedroom when I felt this hand grab mine and spin me around.
Our bodies were extremely close as were our heads.
"Have I proved myself?" He whispered slightly.
"Maybe you aren't as bad as people say.... Doesn't mean you aren't still an idiot." I said smiling a little.
He tucked my hair behind my ear so his hand was left on my face. Our eyes were locked and our heads were moving closer together. Next thing his lips came crashing into mine. I wasn't complaining, it felt so right, I don't know why.
Soon after I pulled away, said goodnight and walked into the guest bedroom, I regretted it straight away but I couldn't fall for him, he's got a reputation for being a player and I'll be another girl. No matter how much I just wanted to kiss him when I saw him, I knew I couldn't.

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