Chapter 7

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Ava's POV

Monday after the party on the weekend

I guess the party was good I mean, I hardly remember it but from what I do remember it was good. The one thing I have a clear picture of was Jack in my living room. I went to that party looking for someone other than Jack yet I still managed to get drawn back to him.

I got myself up and ready for school and parked my car in my usual space when I arrived.
"Hey stranger, where did you disappear to at the party?"

"Oh hey Morgan, Erm I went home, I got tired plus I'd had a little to much too drink," Once again I was lying to her. "No, that's a lie, Jack took me home. He took me home and stayed to make sure I was okay. Nothing happened though, I promise."

"You do know I wouldn't be bothered, if you really like Jack then go for it." I thought she hated him.

"That's the thing, I don't know if I like him or not."

"I see how you are around him." She gave me a cheeky smirk, almost suggesting I'm more giddy around him, I don't get giddy.

"Come on!" I laughed and gave her a slight push towards to school building.


At lunch Morgan had to do some extra dance thing so I was left alone to go exploring. I found myself wandering on a big field with loads of people so I was bound to find someone I knew in the big crowd of rowdy people.
"Hey, you're Ava right?" I turned around to see a tall, gorgeous guy infront of me.
"Errrr yeah, hi!" I could feel myself staring and going all girly but I didn't care, he was gorgeous!
"Hi, I'm Luke." He laughed and gave me a smile. Wow. I had no words for him, his perfect hair, his smile, his face, everything. Damn he was hot. He wasn't someone I'd usually go for but I think I could let it slide this one time for him, I mean who wouldn't.

I spent the rest of my lunch with Luke, we mainly just walked around and talked, it was quite nice I guess. I was scared incase we seen Jack, luckily that never happened and for once, I felt drama free.

* After school

Luke asked me if I wanted to go on a date later so I agreed, who wouldn't!
I was nervous I mean, I never really go on dates I find them boring but with Luke I really liked him! I tried to avoid all contact with Jack, everytime I'm near him he pulls me back, I don't know how he just does it.

"Ava you have like 20 minutes to get ready for this date he's coming at 5!" Morgan screamed at me.

"Shit I forgot Erm do my hair while I do my makeup!"

I quickly threw on a pair of high waisted shorts and a white crop top with some huaraches.

I was so excited I felt nervous to see him and I hardly ever get like this around boys.

He finally arrived at my door and the look on his face amazed me. He just stood and stared, it felt good to have somebody look at me this way. He grabbed my hand and I waved to Morgan as I got into the car.
"where are we going?"

"The cinema then for some food if that's okay?"

"Sounds great!" I turned up the radio as Justin bieber came on and it made Luke laugh a little probably because my singing was terrible.

*After the date*

The movie was so good even though I just cuddled into him for the most of it and the meal was amazing to, we went to some small restaurant that not many people know of but its still one of the best places I've ever been.

When we got back to my house Luke was a gentlemen and walked me up to my door and i couldn't help but feel special inside. He began leaning in and I didn't want to pull away. It was only a small kiss but I still sent sparks flying around my whole body.

"Goodnight Ava." His gentle voice said to me as he walked away.

"Goodnight Luke." I whispered back.

{ I know this had nothing to do with Jack but I wanted it to be abit different but he will be back in the next chapter}

ALSO ,,,, I'm so sorry I haven't updated since like December I deleted this app for a while because my phone kept freezing when I came on it😂

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