Chapter 5

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Ava's POV

During the week id asked jack if I could bring Morgan, mainly for Cam but he told me Matthews girlfriend and jacks girlfriend, Lara and Caitlan were going to be there so that made me slightly more nervous but relieved there were more girls I could get to know.

I ran to the door and Jack was stood there, looking tall and hot and... He looked okay. Me and Morgan followed him out to his car and he began driving me, Morgan and cam to the place of the meet up. The closer we got the more nervous I felt, I didn't even know why.


We arrived at the venue and I felt my legs shaking. Jack kept telling me it was fine but I felt like this was some big, important meeting. We walked in and immediately Jack was greeted with a lot of "hey bro!"s and hugs. I stood to the side before Jack introduced me and Morgan, I noticed when Jack said Morgan's name, cams face lit up a little.  Next thing all these people were coming around me hugging me and smiling at me. I didn't know what I was so scared of.

I'd been talking to this one boy, Nash. I'd heard of him a little before but in person he's actually so much more attractive.
"So why did you come here with Jack today?" He gave me a smirk, kind of suggesting I was with Jack.
"He asked me to come, we aren't together if that's what you're thinking, we're hardly even friends." I lied a little, Jack clearly regretted the kiss, I'm not going to tell his friends about it.
"He wouldn't bring someone who's hardly a friend to meet us lot."
"Well I guess he changed his mind!" I laughed slightly before Nash left to go and do the meet up with the other boys.


While the meet up was happening Lara and caitlan came, they were lovely and the four of us definitely became good friends straight away.
"Cam seems to be getting closer to you." I gave Morgan a nudge causing her to blush a little.
"Shut up! What about you and Nash?"
"Nash is cute he has an amazing personality, amazing eyes-"
I was cut off by the sound of the boys walking in, quite energetic, Nash came and took the seat next to me and before I forgot I gave him my number. I may of seemed keen but I didn't want to leave without getting it, he was a nice guy. I quickly looked up to see Jack glaring at me right before he stormed out of the room. I didn't want to not do anything so before anyone had the chance I told them I'd go and I followed him out of the building.

"Jack! What happened in there?" The anger in his eyes said it all really.
"Nothing! I just-I don't know okay!" He began shouting which made me shout.
"Seriously are you that bothered that I got a guys number? The dudes one of your best friends it's not like he's a stranger!"
"It's not the fact you got a guys number!"
"Well what Jack because honestly I'm running out of things to say to you."
He said nothing. He just stared at me. I had nothing to say to him. I walked back inside and sat in between caitlan and Lara because I couldn't find Morgan.
"What did he say?" Caitlan could tell straight away something had happened probably by the anger in my face.
"Nothing. He said nothing." I stared into the ground, I didn't want to look up I could feel all eyes on me. Jack had more than a lot of explaining to do, I wanted to run back outside and just started shouting but I knew if I did that I'd get nothing from him so I left him.

"I'll take you home?" Nash started walking towards me, signalling Lara to move.
"Sure." I replied softly as I stood up and walked out to his car.
I was hoping I would see Jack walking out but no surprise, he was already gone.

I'm not sure about this chapter, I'm literally just publishing these chapters as I finish writing them.

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