Chapter 13

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He hadn't drove to the beach so I offered him a lift home and he agreed. we weren't together, we were just keeping things cool and seeing how we do kind of like dating.

I drove him home and gave him a kiss and as I did he undid my seat belt and told me I was coming in and I didn't say no. I followed him into his apartment and to my surprise Jack j was sat there.

"Hey bro... And Ava? Sorry I'll leave you guys." Jack j hesitated when he noticed my face but I think all of them would find it hard to believe after everything that happened.

"Thanks bro I'll call you later?" Jack said in a slight question to see if it was okay.

"Cool bro." Jack j stood up and quickly left the apartment.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water since I hadn't really drank or ate anything all day, I felt Jack come up behind me and put his arms around my waist and softly kiss my neck. I got my glass of water and sat on the kitchen side while Jack got himself a glass. He took a sip and came and stood in between my legs so I wrapped them around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"You're special you know?" Jack said in a soft, gentle tone.
"What do you mean I'm special?" I questioned him with a slight laugh.

He just smiled at me not answering and then slowly leaned in and kissed me, It sent sparks fly through my body and slowly the kiss got more passionate. He grabbed my legs and picked me up making sure he didn't break out of the kiss. He took me into the living room and placed me onto the couch, followed by his body almost on top of me. He pulled away looking at me for a short while and finally spoke up.

"Are you sure you want to?" He asked me concerned.
"I'm sure." I replied softly and he grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom.


I woke up the next morning finding myself wrapped in jacks arms. It was nice waking up to this especially without all the complications. Usually, if it was somebody else I would regret what happened last night the moment I knew it had happened, but I didn't. The only thing worrying me was that he was going to leave me now that he'd got what he probably wanted. I lay there, in his arms as I felt his lips softly kiss my head.

"You awake?" I asked him with a slight giggle.
"Yep good morning." He said in his groany morning voice, which was actually quite hot. I turned over so we were facing each other and looked away from him quickly.
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"Ye I guess so, I just don't want you to leave like you would normally with girls after.... That" I said truthfully.

"I never would of let it get that far if I wanted to just leave you, I told you last night and I still mean it, you're special to me."

I felt a sigh of relief come over me, it felt nice knowing That he genuinely felt like that. There was always a small bit of doubt in the back of my mind that he was just saying that but I hoped to god he wasn't, that would of hurt me one hundred times more.

We spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the sofa watching movies until around 10 pm and i finally managed to find the urge to move and drive home. As I was leaving I gave him a quick kiss and rushed out the door.

Once I got home I got in the shower, got some stuff ready for school in the morning and slowly fell asleep.

This chapter was boring, I'm not good at writing all the dirty kind of stuff so I just kinda left it as that!

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