Chapter 10

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Ava's POV

I was at jacks house once again but it felt different to the first time. We were cuddled up on the couch watching movies and I could feel myself falling asleep slowly.


"Yep I'm awake!"

Jack laughed a little before turning off the movie. He went into his room and found me an old shirt so I threw it on and went to go into the spare room. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into his room, I didn't want anything to happen because I wasn't fully ready to trust him properly. It was dark in his room which only made me feel more awkward because I knew he wanted something to definitely happen.

"Jack what are you doing?" I laughed trying to not make it seem like I wasn't scared in any way.

"If you don't want anything to happen it won't. But you can at least cuddle me." Once again he smirked and I couldn't resist. I agreed and got into the bed next to him. It felt good to just be next to him I mean, it's not like anything bad would happen since he said it wouldn't. He had a strong grip of me and we just lay there in silence, not an awkward silence though, it was a comfortable silence. My eyes began closing and I soon fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of Jacks alarm going off, I groaned a little and turned over so my back was towards Jack.

"5 more minutes." I heard Jack whisper and he moved along to me and put his arms around my waist. "You awake?" He asked me and I turned over so our faces were inches apart. Before I could answer his lips were on mine and it began getting more passionate. He kissed my neck and then just looked at me. "What was that for?" I laughed as I turned my head away from him. "I just wanted to do that." He smiled and turned my head so it was facing his and kissed me softly on my forehead before getting up to go to the shower.

I checked my phone and found I had 16 missed calls from my mum, I called her back and she picked up almost instantly.
"Mum I'm 18 you need to calm down I'm perfectly fine!"
"Okay okay I'm sorry!" I hung up before she had time to shout at me. I got dressed and gathered up my things, I almost got out of the door before jacks hand slammed it shut.

"You really don't like me at all do you?" He said almost sounding disappointed.
"Shut up Jack you know I'm starting to like you but my mum she wants me back like now."
"And you were gonna leave without saying goodbye?"
Yes. I thought to myself, it may of sounded rude but my mum was more important in this situation.
"No but-" I was cut off by Jack tucking my hair behind my ear and softly planting his lips on mine. He always knew how to turn a bad situation good.
"Give me 5 minutes I'll drive you home."

I finally noticed that Jack was stood in his towel and I couldn't help but stare, it was such a nice sight. I sat on the couch waiting for him to get ready and after about 10 minutes he came out.

"Took your time!" I laughed.
"Come on." He laughed back, putting his arms around waist.

When we arrived at my house my mum was stood waiting at the door as if she knew I was about to come.
"So do I get a kiss or is that not allowed with your mum right there?" Jack laughed.
I grabbed his face and gave him a quick kiss before running out of the car.

"Hi mummmm..." I said, my voice a lot more high pitched than usual.
"Boys?" She questioned glaring at me.
"I'm 18 why are you worrying I'm moving out next month!"
"Which is exactly why I'm allowed to worry for 1 more month! But anyway as long as you're safe." She gave me a gentle smile and I ran up to my bedroom.

This chapter was really boring but I couldn't think of anything to write. Keep voting lol !!!

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