Chapter 9

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Ava's POV

I still couldn't believe what happened. I kissed Jack. I don't want to like him he just has something about him that draws me closer to him. I wanted to at least talk to him about it.
I walked into my bathroom, got a shower and picked out my clothes for today. A pair of black ripped jeans, a white shirt tucked in and some superstars. The top of the shirt was a bit revealing as it had the first few buttons missing but it looked cute. I grabbed my bag and keys before heading out of the door.

When I arrived at school Jack was stood waiting next to my parking space. My heart suddenly began beating out of my chest. I slowly stepped out of the car grabbing my bag and locking it.

"Ava we need to talk."

"About what?" I knew exactly what it was about I was just trying To stall time.

"That kiss." He added emphasis on the word that.

"Right...that" he put his arm around me and began walking which felt quite nice, it kind of made me feel protected.

"Listen that kiss wasn't a normal kiss it had more passion in and I just want to tell you that but I don't know what will happen with us because I know I will hurt you and I don't want to be that guy so I'm going to keep my distance from now on." He said truthfully. Wow that felt like a kick in the stomach.

"Do you really think I'm bothered about a kiss? Yes it was passionate but it doesn't mean I like you, please Jack don't flatter yourself." I lied completely but I didn't want him to feel big headed.

"Don't tell me it didn't mean anything."
He stopped and just looked at me, how am I meant to respond to that? Yes it meant something I like you a lot actually but I know I can't be with you because you use everyone.
I looked at him with no expression on my face and simply answered "no it never."
I walked away leaving him stood once again staring at me but this time it didn't feel so good.

Jack's POV

She didn't think that kiss meant anything? I've kissed many different girls and none of them felt like that. She made it special and it was much more passionate than any of kiss I've experienced. Of course the first people I told about this was Cameron and Jack J and they both laughed at the idea of me actually liking Her.

"Dude you seriously like her!" Jack began laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey don't laugh! She's a great girl!" I began defending her, I could feel myself getting angry.

"Dude I know she's a great girl I'm not laughing because it's her that you like I'm laughing because you never like girls!" Jack J continued laughing.

Cameron hadn't really spoke up much and it was making me feel like I'd done something wrong.

"Cameron?!" I quickly snapped.

"Listen that's Morgan's best friend and if you're going to use her then I-"

"Cameron are you serious? I'm trying To find a way to show Ava I'm not going to use girls especially her do you honestly think I'd be that stupid?" I spoke truthfully, I wanted to show Ava I wasn't going to use her but the first time I tried it didn't go so well.

I turned the corner of the corridor and I was face to face with her and Morgan. I could feel the awkwardness building then Ava finally spoke up.
"Sorry we'll go." She stuttered. Before she could leave I grabbed her arm I couldn't let her go without talking to her properly.

"Jack let go! I have a class get to and so do you!" She snapped at me but I didn't care, I kinda liked this side of her.

"Be ready tonight at 7." I let go of her arm and walked away. Tonight was my chance to speak to her and find out how she really felt, she may not know it yet but this was a date.

Ava's POV

it was 5:30 and I decided to start getting ready, I didn't particularly want to go out with Jack but It felt like I had no choice. I got a quick shower and then got on my outfit, a pair of high waited shorts with a white crop top and the same superstars I wore to school. I then applied a small amount of makeup and then curled my hair a little. By the time I finished it was 6:30 so I decided to listen to some music before jack came. Justin bieber Company came on and I instantly started singing along.

Jack finally showed up and I followed him to the car.
"Where are we going?" I asked him trying to make conversation.
"Ice cream place." He replied bluntly. He asked me to go out with him and now he was being blunt?

We arrived there after an awkward car journey and we went to order our ice cream.
"I'll have a mint choc chip please." Jack told the man.

"And for you gorgeous?" He asked me causing me to blush a little. I then felt Jack put his arms around my waist, I knew he was jealous and I liked it.

"I'll have a cotton candy ice cream please."
The man handed us our ice creams and we walked to a table near the back of the place. We were eating and then a few girls came over asking for a picture with Jack, he took a photo with every single girl and then said goodbye to them all.

"You're really sweet to your fans." I said truthfully.

"I love them, they show me constant support and I can't thank them enough."

Seeing this side of Jack made me like him 100x more even though I liked the bad in him, I also liked the good. I wanted to kiss him so bad but I knew it would hurt me and I'd have to pretend like it didn't.

"Jack why do you keep asking me to go out then kiss me then go off with other girls then kiss me again then ask me out AGAIN?" I needed to get it off my chest, I couldn't hold anything in anymore.

"I don't know it's just how I've always been and then I met you and you weren't like the other girls, you weren't eager to get me in a room on your own, you didn't treat me differently and that's what made me like you." Jack spoke truthfully. I didn't know what to do, he basically just admitted that he liked me. I moved around to his side of the booth and grabbed his head so his eyes met mine. I gave him a small but sweet kiss and he pulled me in for a hug. It felt nice to just sit with him and talk.

"Since it's a friday... Is there any way you would come back to mine and we could watch a few movies?" He smirked at me again, god that smirk got me everytime.

"Fine then!" I gave in quickly and he held my hand and walked me to the car.

OKAYYY, so this chapter was a little bit more longer but I hope you enjoyed reading it, the next chapter will be back at jacks and more stuff will happen but I'll leave it as that! Keep reading and voting even though it's probably a really boring story ! Also sorry for the changing of POV!!!!

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