Chapter 12

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I woke up that morning with the worst hangover I could of possibly had, I remembered all the drama from last night and thought of how I couldn't face to see jack again, not after everything I'd caused. He didn't even do anything wrong, I wasn't seeing him and we weren't even a thing it was literally just friends with us, he'd made that clear.

I checked my phone and Twitter seemed to be going crazy.

"Apparently @JackGilinsky and @AvaMayworth are secretly dating! I can't believe Jack would keep this from his fans!"
WHERE HAD THEY GOT THIS IDEA!!! I grabbed morgans shoulders pushing her to wake her up.


"What do you want!?"


"Like the whole of their fandom, when jack posted that photo with you everyone went crazy. His ex even started aiming tweets about you, I guess she's still crazy about him or whatever."

This was not good. I hadn't been on Twitter in a few days so I had no idea everyone was saying this stuff. It was weird to read and my followers where going up in hundreds each day. I was too scared to text Jack, he probably never wanted to speak to me. I slowly started typing to him, instantly knowing I was making a mistake, so deleted it as quick as I could.

Once Morgan left I decided to drive up to the beach to clear my head. I got out of the car and started walking for what felt like miles. I came across this big oak tree on its own with a bench underneath it but there was somebody sat on it. I slowly walked over hoping they would move but they never so I still continued to walk over anyway.

"Hi is anyone sat here?" I asked the man sat on the bench. He turned around and my body froze. Jack was sat there looking me straight in the eyes.

"I'll go." I whispered trying to leave the situation.

"Ava sit down please."

I did as he wished and sat on the opposite side of the bench. I could feel my hands shaking and I knew whatever he was going to say wasn't going to be good.

"This is why I can never be with you Ava, when I knew I hurt you at your party I knew I would do it again. I mainly did it to see if you liked me and I guess you really do but after seeing how hurt you got I never want to see you like that again." Jack was talking in a very serious way, not his jokey normal voice.
"I know I'll disappoint you and I don't want to do that I'm sorry Ava."

He stood up and went to walk away and I felt tears in my eyes. The only thing I could think of was to run up to him.
I ran towards him and grabbed his arm so he was facing me and I planted my lips on his hoping he wouldn't pull away and he didn't. We stayed there in the kiss and I finally pulled away.
"You're past is your past, I want to test you and I like knowing I keep you on your toes, you aren't walking away from me that easy." I smirked at him and he kissed me again. In my head I knew I was doing a stupid thing trusting him but in my heart I felt like it was the right thing.

I can't write to save my life sorry! I know it's always arguing and making up but I'm not gonna have as much arguing in it for a while now so it stays cute hahaha

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