Chapter 6

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Ava's POV

I woke up and immediately regretted everything that happened last night, I even regret going in the first place. I was hoping the party tonight would take my mind off everything.
This girl from school, Elle, always hosts these huge parties in her house, since I moved to this school she's had 2, neither of which I attended so this is my first party out here, I was pretty excited, finally some new boys.

To Morgann:
What are you wearing for tonight?!

From Morgann:
Probably something casual, I'll come round soon!

To Morgann:
Okay see you then.

Within around 20 minutes Morgan arrived at my door holding a big bag full of clothes, makeup and shoes.
"You don't mess around do you?" I laughed, looking through her bag.
"Nope, always one step ahead." She smiled at me and began going through my wardrobe trying to find something to wear.

Morgan was wearing a lace dress that went just above her knees with some small black heels.
I decided to go with a tight bodycon dress with some quite tall heels, not my usual style but I decided to be different.


We turned up at the party and straight away we were around drunk people running around in the front. The rumours were true, her house is huge. We stepped inside and I was quick to notice cam and pointed him out to Morgan, within seconds they were both dancing together, basically making me the third wheel.
I walked around trying to find something to do so I went into the kitchen to get another vodka and lemonade only to bump into Jack.
"Hi... Er I'm sorry I'll go." I didn't know what to say, I wanted to go and run, lock myself in a room and hide for life but I knew things would be awkward between us at first.
"Nash is here somewhere, maybe you should go and speak to him."

"You've still not let the whole thing go?"

"Why should I?"

"Because it's a number, besides we aren't even together I can do what I want."


He really still hadn't let it go. You would of thought by now he'd have some more common sense, Nash is nice but would I really go out with him? No, he's too nice.
I grabbed my drink, adding a little more vodka than planned and walked back into the living room.

3 more vodka and lemonades later I think I was pretty out of it, I could hardly remember my name let alone where I was. I was about to wonder off upstairs when I felt these hands grab my waist and pick me up, at first I was demanding to be put down but I guess I kind of gave in after a while and next thing I was in my own bed.

I must of fell asleep because I woke up with the worst headache ever yet I was a little more sober than last time I checked. My first thoughts were how did I get back here, then I remembered slightly about being picked up. I slowly got out of my bed and made my way to the kitchen, trying not to wake my parents up. I got a glass of water and went into the living to sit down and I found jack lying on my sofa.

"JACK?!" I threw a cushion at him, I was pretty confused why he was in my house.
He rubbed his head and laughed saying "what?"
"What are you doing in my house and why were you asleep on my sofa?"

"I brought you home, basically I saved you from getting anymore drunk."

"Well you can't stay on the sofa all night."

"Well I can't go home at 3 in the morning."

"Right, no funny business and I mean it! But you can sleep on the other side of my bed." I emphasised the word other.

We both got into the bed, me making sure he stayed on the other side, and I fell asleep almost instantly. In a way, I was glad it was jack who brought me home.

It's nearly 1am and I've just wrote this so sorry if it's terrible hahaha

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