Chapter 11

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Ava's POV

I finally managed to drag myself out of bed to go and make myself toast and a cup of tea. My parents were out for the weekend which meant I could have a party, I ran upstairs got a shower, applied a small amount of makeup and got ready. I then made sure my house was spotless ready for tonight. Finally I texted, snapchatted and dmed everyone I could and most people replied instantly saying yes.

Morgan came round within half an Hour and helped me set up the house, we got the jacuzzi in the garden ready in case anyone wanted to go in, we then set up a big tent kind of thing outside for all the drinks to go in.

It finally hit 7pm and more people started coming in, most already drunk.
I spent the next half an hour trying to find Morgan but no surprise she was making out with Cameron, I thought it would be best not to bother them and I left quietly heading to the kitchen to pour myself another drink. I was starting to feel tipsy so I grabbed my drink and headed outside towards the tent. I walked in and froze. My whole body felt numb, but I knew I couldn't show any emotion. Jack was sat there making out with some girl, Maisie I think her name was. They didn't even stop the only thing I could do was leave. But I didn't. I looked at the vodka and lemonade in my hand and threw it over jack, followed by the plastic cup. I ran inside and grabbed the bottle of vodka and went up to my room.

I heard a knock on the door and immediately took a guess as to who it was but at this point I had drank abit too much vodka and I was nearly out of it.
"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Jack stormed in my room shouting probably so everyone could hear him.

"ME?! I DIDNT GO KISSING OTHER PEOPLE AT LEAST I DONT LEAD BOYS ON!" I felt all my anger coming out at once, I tried to hold it in but I kept saying anything that came to my mind.


"MAYBE I SHOULD!" I screamed back and ran down to the party and grabbed the first boy I could see. Taylor. He was another Magcon boy also one of the closest to jack, but he didn't pull away. We began kissing and soon it became quiet rough but I was instantly pulled away by jack.

"Jack get off me! You can kiss other people and so can I!"

"No, you can't!" He looked at Taylor and I could see the anger filling in his eyes.

"I'm gonna go and find the drinks." Taylor finally managed to get some words out of his mouth.

"Go home jack." I whispered to him, I didn't want him to go but I didn't want him to stay either i mean all the drama was my fault but I was drunk! I ran up to my room and crashed on to my bed, tears flooding my pillow. I felt like I'd over reacted, I shouldn't of threw anything that was a little extreme but I was caught up in the moment.

Morgan finally came into the room and ran over to me and just hugged me.

"I seen it all happen, jacks an idiot forget him." She hugged me tighter and I felt safe knowing I had a best friend who was so supportive.

"I can't." I said softly, a tear rolling down my cheek. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep trying to forget about all the drama. I don't think it was possible though it was one of the worst nights I had ever experienced, in some ways I wish I never moved to this town.

This chapter was quite dramatic but I couldn't think of anything to write so I just kinda wrote a load of stuff that was coming into my mind at the time 😂

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