Chapter 14

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I woke up and began getting ready, knowing id have to face jack after last the other night but to my surprise, I wasn't that nervous. The only thing was nobody knew about me and jack which made things hard for me to walk past him and act asif we were 'just friends'.

I parked my car and stepped out to find jack stood waiting for me. He put his arm around me without saying anything and walked me into the school, with no surprise all the girls staring at us.
"Jack everyone's staring." I whispered in an attempt to try and make them stop.
Jack stopped and looked at me, finally he smirked and said "so let them stare."
He grabbed my face and pulled me in, kissing me passionately. I heard a few gasps probably from girls who had hooked up with Jack, or girls he didn't end things with but it didn't bother me. I was happy knowing I wasn't his little secret.

Throughout the day, If I walked past a group of girls they would begin whispering about me. It made me feel slightly uncomfortable but it had nothing to do with them whether I was with him or not. I guess we weren't officially together, we were just dating but I felt safe knowing he was still mine.

"You are with Jack?!" Morgan approached me in the lunch hall, slamming her tray on the table opposite me.
"I'm not with him! We're just-" I was cut of by Morgan's attempt to finish my sentence.
"Friends with benefits?" She questioned.
"No! We're just starting to date I guess." I corrected her.
"Well I heard from cam that you and him had a great night the other night?" I was unsure whether to tell her the truth about the other night, it was a big deal for her to know and I felt terrible keeping things from her.
"Something happened but that's all I'm giving you!" I laughed in attempt to make the conversation less serious. She laughed a little and began eating her lunch.

Jacks pov

"You did it didn't you!" Cameron said fist bumping me.
"Ye I did, dude don't go telling everyone, she might not want people to know!" I said making sure he would keep his mouth shut.
He threw me the basketball and I tried getting past the other team.
"You really like her don't you?" Cam asked me sounding serious.
"Ye I guess I do, she's changed me man! I haven't known her long but I know her well enough to know I don't want to hurt her." I confessed.
I was being truthful, I did really like her. She made me never want to go back to the way I used to be, and that's a big deal for me especially with my past.
"Finally! Everyone has been waiting for the day! Who knew all it needed was a new girl to join the school for you to change!" Cam laughed at his own words, finding himself amusing.
"Ye Ye, she's really nice though, sometimes I think I'm no good for her with my past but then I don't want anybody else to have her." I confessed.
"Bro, as long as you're happy don't think about anything else." Cam assured me. He was right, I was happy the way things were going and I didn't want anything to change that. I just hoped she knew that too.

This chapter was terrible I had nothing to write, sorry I haven't updated my wattpad kept crashing but hopefully it's okay now!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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