chapter six.

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Lydia hadn't been joking, as much as Stiles had wished she was

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Lydia hadn't been joking, as much as Stiles had wished she was.

"Congratulations, Stiles. Tomorrow you're eating lunch with Intelligent lonesome senior girls with minimal social life outside of school, Group A."

Those had been her exact words. And sure enough, the very next day, he'd found himself standing at the head of the lunchroom. Shaking hands gripping his lunch tray, and a beaming Lydia standing by his side. Stiles felt like he was at the California Zoo, looking over a pack of wild animals, just waiting for him to step foot in their reach so that they may devour him. He swallowed at the thought.

"Remind me what the point of this is again?" He leaned down at bit towards Lydia.

"C'mon." Lydia answered, wrapping her free hand around his upper arm, and pulling him along with her towards the very table he'd marked as her group on his makeshift lunchroom map.

It was closer to the back of the lunchroom, nearing the trashcans, and EXIT door. Something that teased him the more they neared the table.

At said table, sat Erica Reyes and Hayden Romero.

Erica was a senior, just as Stiles and Lydia. She had long golden curls, that floated down to her lower back, caramel brown eyes, and a smile that warmed just about anyone's heart. She came in around middle school, and while she was pretty and sweet, most people tended to stay away from her. She used to have horrible seizures. Full on, eyes rolled into the back of her head, foaming at the mouth, seizures.

In middle school, that had scared a lot of people off, and when high school came around it kind of stuck. Erica hadn't had a seizure in years, at least from what Stiles could tell. However, people sucked, and Erica was no stranger to the amount of which the people at Beacon Harbor did. She'd come to terms with being an outcast, feeling comfortable enough in her sub group alongside Lydia and Hayden; and just like Stiles, Erica was more than likely counting down the days to graduation.

Hayden was a firecracker from what he could tell. She was a freshman, but you wouldn't know it by interacting with her. Dark hooded eyes, hidden beneath her wavy brown locks. Tan skins and a resting bitch face that intimidated just about everyone. Hayden stood on her own two feet. Had since her parents died. Apparently it was just she and her older sister still around, and that, naturally, had taken it's fair toll on her outlook of the world. For a freshman, she handled herself quite well. No other explanation as to why she'd already befriend seniors during her first week, but one had to wonder how she would continue on without her fellow outsiders.

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