chapter twenty-nine.

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"I'm not doing it

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"I'm not doing it."

Stiles was standing besides Scott's locker, watching as he did what he could to pile a couple of text books and spiral notebooks into his backpack. It was the end of the school day—the first one back after their five day, spring break extravaganza, (which really equated to hanging out at the Martins' pool everyday)—and Scott had clearly not anticipated the workload he'd be welcomed back with. His face saying it all: He should've brought a bigger bag.

"God, is this even allowed?" The raven haired boy whined in frustration, pausing mid transfer. "We graduate in a month, you think they'd ease up."

Stiles blinked in recognition of the fact Scott had completely ignored his previous statement to eye the boy with amusement. "It's not like you actually have to do that y'know? You've already gotten into Boston." Stiles shrugged with ease. "What are they going to do, revoke your admission because you didn't turn your last reading in on the Roman Empire? Give me a break."

Scott had gotten his acceptance letter on the third to last day of Spring Break. He'd had no intentions of actually going to Boston, what with wanting to stay as close as possible to be there for his mom— but it was the fact that he'd gotten in that counted. Stiles had never had any doubt that he would. Scott wasn't the smartest in their class, but he got by well enough, and it helped that he was co-captain of their lacrosse team. Sports were like a golden ticket when it came to college applications.

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