chapter thirty-five

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Leaving Lydia flushed and partially still confused, he shut off his engine and popped open his door

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Leaving Lydia flushed and partially still confused, he shut off his engine and popped open his door. He glanced up at the bar before them as he walked around to Lydia's side and assisted her onto the pebble ridden pavement beside him. They both turned simultaneously to see Kate walking towards them, Lydia's hand finding it's way into Stiles' own.

"Hey lovebirds," Kate greeted smoothly, taking in their linked hands and nervous gazes. "Made it in one piece I see, that's good!"

"Hey, Ms. Argent—" Stiles started, only for Kate to immediately scrunch her nose up in distaste, shaking her head.

"Okay, no–there will be none of that," Kate lifted a finger, glancing once more between them. "Especially in there. I'm Kate—just Kate—from here on out."

Stiles began to nod quickly, and Lydia simply raised her brows, tucking her lips inward.

"Now, they don't card here, so the door shouldn't be a problem," Kate dropped her hand to shove it in the leather pocket of her jacket. "But mister brown eyes has got a baby face, so if anyone asks any questions, just let me do the talking–worse comes to worse, I hear Red here has got a certain card she likes to play that can be quite persuasive."

Stiles wasn't sure what he was most taken aback by. The fact that Kate had called him 'brown eyes', brought up Lydia's cancer card, or that it was the second time that day that someone had labeled Lydia as a redhead. Regardless, he found himself unable to produce words, let alone correct the older woman on that last bit.

"Sounds like a plan." Lydia finally spoke up, her voice surprisingly pleasant, all things considered. She pulled at Stiles' hand softly, and he instinctively cleared his throat.

It would be hard for anyone to believe this had been his plan to begin with.

"Yea–yes! Got it." Stiles forfeited, nodding once more, as if it was all he could do.

Kate grinned, and it was the first time either of them noticed the bright green gum mashed between her teeth. "Alright, well c'mon! Tabs on me." Turning on her booted heel, Kate motioned for them to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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