Chapter Twenty Six

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(This chapter does contain a mature scene. Not highly graphic or explicit, but still).


I pointed between the twins, Aayla and Bindi Rowan.
"So let me guess... more cousin's?"
They'd not long come off stage from entertaining the Rodeo crowd.
Somehow, Blayze managed to bring me backstage undetected.
"How'd you know?"
Aayla asked, laughing, adjusting the pink cowgirl hat she wore atop her shoulder length brown hair.
I smiled.
"Lucky guess."
Plus, they bare some pretty obvious resemblance to Jaxon and the name 'Rowan' kind of gave it away!
Bindi laughed, extending her hand.
"So you're Bailey, right?"
She asked.
I nodded, placing my right hand in her's and shaking it quickly.
"Yup! How'd you know?"
The twin's shared a glance.
"Blayze has given us a few hint's over the year's. Plus Jax told us about you."
Aayla told me with a smile.
"Jax-? Hold up!"
I held my hand's up in a stop gesture.
The twin's nodded.
"Yeah. Jaxon's our big brother."
Bondi agreed.
No wonder the girl's were musically talented.
It must run in the family!
"Speaking of our cousin..."
Aayla peered past me.
"Where has he disappeared to? He said he was gonna get us drink's!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Probably been mobbed by skank's!"
Bindi laughed!
"So not much has changed then!"
I raised a questioning brow.
Aayla shook her head.
"He's had girl's falling all over him since I can remember."
"Are you guy's the same age as Blayze?"
I asked, looking between the twin's.
Aayla vigorously shook her head.
"We're twenty two."
Bindi explained.
Aayla grinned.
"Yeah. Our big brother is four year's older than us and our big cousin is three!"
Wow, they grew up with Jaxon and Blayze as their family!
"So what was it like growing up with Jaxon and Blayze?"
I asked, curious.
Aayla rolled her eyes.
"We always had girl's jealous of us. Plus, we were never picked on coz they were always the cool kid's. High school was a little more interesting. Blayze was gone after we were in year eight and so was Jax."
She allowed a sad look to come over her face.
Bindi grinned and nudged her sister's side.
"People still didn't pick on us though, coz they were scared Jax would come get em or Blayze would come back!"
So they lost Blayze and I gained him.
"You're not sharing bad stories about me, are ya?"
We all turned to find Blayze walking towards us.
I grinned.
He shot me a disbelieving look.
"You're full of shit!"
"Awe... you guy's are cute!"
Aayla cooed.
Blayze rolled his eyes.
"What the hell drug's are you on?"
Bindi grinned.
"Awe, she's complimenting ya big cuz!"
Blayze pushed a six pack towards the twin's.
"Shut up and have a drink."

"One, two, three. GO!"
Aayla yelled.
She, Bindi and I tipped the tequila shot's down our throat's.
It burned!
It was pretty clear these girl's were set for a wild night.
Guy's and girl's crowded around them, vying for their attention.
They were musical star's and they had the look's and the personalities that had the crowd's wanting to hang out with them beyond the stage.
I think that's enough for me...
I shot the girl's a smile and dropped my plastic shot cup into a nearby bin.
Time to let them party it up with their fan's.
I wasn't sure I would be able to stomach the amount of alcohol they were preparing for!
I turned around, searching for Blayze.
He was here somewhere...
I froze upon seeing Blayze, Tyron and Xalan sitting at a plastic table and chair's set.
Rikki stood beside Blayze, her hand resting on his bare, toned forearm.
He was looking up at her, listening to whatever it was she was saying to him.
Well that's wonderful.
Why does she have to appear everywhere?
Heart sinking, I turned on my heel and headed for our horses and cabin.
Was I going to have to grab a swag?
What if he bring's her back here?
My stomach churned.
He wouldn't, right?
An incessant noise in my pocket made me frown and look down, drawing me out of my troubled thought's.
My phone was vibrating and flashing.
I pulled the device from my pocket and checked the screen.
Blayze's name was plastered across the top.
Why's he calling me?
Wasn't he supposed to be busy with Rikki?
I slid the answer bar across and lifted the phone to my ear as I trudged across the dirt, towards our camp area.
"Where the hell did you go?"
The loud music and partying people sounded behind Blayze, but I managed to hear him.
"On my way to the cabin."
I told him.
"Thank fuck. Aayla and Bindi just told me they lost you."
The background noise from his end suddenly seemed quieter.
"No. I left. I told them bye."
I explained.
Bloody worry wart...
"Hello sweetheart!"
I rolled my eyes at the drunken bum's leering at me and continued walking.
"Who the hell was that?"
Blayze asked.
"Drunk people."
I muttered.
"How far from the camp are ya?"
"Uhh... not far..."
"Hey sweetheart! Come back!"
One of the drunk's shouted.
"Keep walkin."
Blayze ordered.
"That's what I'm doing!"
I hissed.
Suddenly, I regretted my decision to leave the active area of the grounds.
I could hear footstep's behind me.
We're they following me?
"Awe come back, Darlin. We just wanna talk!"
One voice slurred.
I kept my focus ahead.
Keeping my head high, I tried to pretend like I wasn't nervous.
Blayze asked.
"Where are you? Should I come back?"
I hated the nervous edge that was suddenly in my voice.
"No. I'm comin. Just keep walkin."
He ordered.
"I can see your car and the cabin."
I told him, my heart leaping for joy!
That was a good sign, right?
"Good. Keep goin. Worst case scenario, if they keep following ya, just jump in with Roo- no. Let Zeus out."
Blayze declared.
I couldn't help but laugh!
I knew he wasn't joking, though.
Zeus would rip a man's limb off if he tried to hurt me.
As I got closer to the cabin, the couple of men were still following me, calling thing's out as they went, like 'stop sweetheart' and 'damn she's fine'.
Suddenly, booming bark's came from our cabin.
I couldn't help but smile.
"I hear Zeus."
I informed Blayze.
"So do I. I can see my car, too."
He replied.
I blinked.
He's certainly started to move fast...
By now, I was only a few meters from the cabin.
"Good boy, Zeus."
I crooned, trying hard to keep the anxiety I felt deep in my soul out of my voice.
An incessant whine sounded from behind the door.
Azlan's yap greeted me.
"Cabin suit's me fine, sweet cheek's!"
One of the drunk's claimed.
I turned around, the phone still clamped to my ear.
The guy's were probably in their thirties.
"I'd leave if I were you. You're about to either get a limb ripped off or your face smashed in, if you try to touch me."
I warned.
The two men looked at each other and laughed!
Zeus' booming bark's sounded and the door rattled with the impact of the dog jumping on it.
The guy's flinched, their eye's shooting to the cabin door.
Dial tone reached my ear.
Alarmed, I pulled the phone from my ear and found the call had ended.
Now how am I-
"She wasn't lying!"
I looked quickly past the drunk guy's and couldn't help but smile.
Blayze stood there, looking every bit the threat I'd warned these bloke's with.
Slowly, I backed towards the cabin door.
Maybe the dog's should come out for good measure?
"B-Blayze we were ju- just jokin!"
One of the men stammered.
I nearly laughed.
Grown men stuttering?
"Well I don't find it funny!"
Blayze yelled, stepping forward.
I grabbed the cabin door handle and yanked the door open.
Zeus and Azlan leapt out of the small building, growls ripping from their throat's.
"We can take this guy, Jim!"
The second man boasted, squaring his shoulder's.
"No Liam. He—!"
Blayze drew back his right fist, threw it forward and slammed it into the nose of the second guy, sending him crashing to the dirt floor.
Azlan and Zeus growled and sprinted forward.
"Round im up boy's."
Blayze ordered the dog's.
The Liam guy scrambled to get to his feet, screaming out with the dog's closing in on him.
One was Kelpie and one was Am Staff, but they made one hell of a team.
Azlan darted in, causing the guy to jump to his feet, but stumble in his drunken state.
Zeus came in behind Azlan, being the muscle.
They pushed the guy up until he had his back flush against the front wall of the cabin, their lip's curled back and angry growl's vibrating their bodies.
The guy looked legitimately like he was about to pee his pants.
"Hold im Zeus."
Blayze commanded, watching his bigger dog closely.
Zeus pushed his nose into the man's leg, his body still vibrating with a growl.
"Blayze we r-really are s-sorry."
The first guy babbled.
Blayze folded his arm's across his chest, the muscle's of his arm's standing prominent.
"I'm not the one you need to apologise to!"
He snapped, shooting the bloke a disgusted glare.
The guy turned around, shooting a weary glance at Blayze, like he thought he might punch him in the back of the head or something.
"S-sorry M-Miss!"
He stammered.
"Get out of my sight, both of you. And never come back!"
I yelled and stormed into the cabin.
Hand's shaking at my sides, I pressed my back against the wall and tried to steady my breathing.

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