Chapter Forty One

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I sat in the morning sunshine in the enclosed area of the backyard, while the Joey hopped around on the grass, exploring.
My phone was grasped in my hand's and I snapped a few picture's of the little tyke's adventure.
He's so damn cute!
I shot Heath a quick text to thank him for taking over the fencing with Shayne.
We all know nobody likes fencing.
But when you run a farm there's no choice.
My little sibling's were excited about the Joey.
However Grandpa, Grandma and Mum thought I should've just let Blayze get rid of it last night.
Mum wasn't quite as sold.
She said it was remarkable and entirely sweet how the Joey had crawled it's way into my lap and curled up there to sleep.
But she also thought taking on the Joey was going to get in the way of everything else.
She was slightly right.
I'd locked the Joey into one of the empty dog cage's by the house (why we still have them I don't really know seeing as I can't remember the last time we've had a dog locked in one) so that I could help with the morning feed and filling of trough's and what not.
Then I'd bribed Heath to do the fencing ride for me.
My phone buzzed in my hand.
I looked down at the screen.
Heath: 9:06AM: You owe me 😑
Yes mate, I know!
I locked my phone and dropped it into my lap, not bothering to reply.
"What're ya up to?"
I jumped, startled.
Half turning around, I found Blayze leaning on the iron gate that had chicken wire covering the open slot's.
I greeted.
Blayze's gaze swung to where the Joey explored near the 'soft flower' garden bed.
Due to having kids and animals around, Grandma refused to have plants like Rose's in playful areas like this yard.
"Hopper doin alright?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Like you care."
Though my lip's itched to smile.
Blayze can't help that he is a country man through and through.
He's by no means heartless, but in the eyes of a farmer, if an animal can't or won't earn it's keep, then it's useless having it.
The way men like him see it, Roo's are a pest, ya shoot em and eat em.
I turned back to keep my eye on the Joey.
He wasn't strong and bold in his movement's, but he was on the move which I was thankful for.
It meant he wasn't quite as young and helpless as we'd thought he could be.
Behind me, the garden gate creaked to signal it was opening and Blayze was coming in.
What's he even want?
Doesn't he have work to get done today?
"So, I advertised Pirate and Oscar this morning."
I snapped my head around to look at Blayze, as he joined me sitting on the soft green grass.
"Really? Are they ready for that?"
Dumb question!
Blayze wouldn't do it unless he believed the horse's were ready.
Smiling, he shook his head.
"Unlike some of the stock we've got around at the moment, those guy's weren't completely unhandled remember."
True that.
They'd come from the sales, but not with a torturous back story.
Pirate was the brown and white gelding who stand's at just over 15 hand's.
Oscar is the grey stock horse who we measured to be 14.3 hand's.
Blayze shrugged.
"Now I guess I wait for the phone to ring."
"If your name's attached to the ad, I'm sure it will."
And I wasn't just trying to boost his ego.
"I don't doubt they'll sell, they're both good little horse's."
As if on cue, Garth Brooks' 'Papa Loved Mama' suddenly blared, muffled from within Blayze's pocket.
Just how many ring tone's does he have?
He leaned back to wriggle the phone free and groaned, seeing the ID on the screen.
"What's up?"
I asked, though judging by the heavy feeling in my heart, I already knew the answer.
Blayze sighed, his deep blue-green gaze flashing my way.
"It's Rikki."
He deliberated, then slid the answer bar across and held the phone to his ear.
He's gonna stay here and talk to her?!
He greeted.
I could faintly hear a muffled voice, but couldn't hear the word's replied.
"Yes, Rikki, I want to see him. As I told you, we had a Rodeo last weekend and I've got a flat chat week this week. My cousin's followed us back too, so thing's are a little cramped."
Uh oh...
Biting my lip, I crawled across the grass to where the Joey was now laying stretched out in the gentle April sunshine.
"Yes next weekend."
Blayze sounded frustrated.
"Get off my case alright. I'm doin the best I bloody well can!"
He pulled the phone from his ear and stabbed at the screen.
Oh great...
Blayze flopped back onto the grass, using his hat to shade his eyes from the sun.
Papa Loved Mama blared again.
So she's one of those is she?
Blayze didn't even move to look.
I saw the phone flashing on the grass beside him.
I got up and walked back over.
"Blayze, it's a random number."
I informed him, seeing an unidentified number on the screen.
He pulled his hat from his head and grabbed the phone, sliding the answer bar across, sat up and held the phone to his ear.
When you don't even know who it is?
Mild surprise flickered on Blayze's face.
"Yes it is."
He told whoever was on the other end.
"Not a mean bone in his body. Yeah, I've ridden him bareback in a halter, saddle and bridle, saddle and bridle-less..."
Oh wow is this somebody interested in Pirate or Oscar?
"Saturday...? Up until mid afternoon would work my end."
Blayze plucked at a blade of grass and rolled it around between his middle and forefinger.
"I'll text the location if you'd like, might be easier?"
He paused to listen,
"Righto, Tanya, we'll see ya Saturday. Cheers."
He pulled the phone from his ear and ended the call.
I practically bounced with excitement while I waited for him to explain.
"Some lady called Tanya from Angle Vale is interested to come see Pirate."
He explained.
That was quick.
He smiled weakly.
"It's not necessarily a sale, but we'll see."

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