Chapter Twenty Seven

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Gradually, I became aware of the feint noise of bird's chirping, the odd snort or sneeze of horses, a clank at a water trough, or even chatter and laughter from fellow Rodeo goer's.
Closer to me, I came increasingly aware of the warmth that surrounded me.
The feel of warm skin and a hard chest beneath my cheek.
Strong, warm arm's around my body, holding me close.
The steady beat of a heart near my ear...
Blinking slowly, I forced myself to greet the day.
Lightly tanned skin greeted my sleepy eyes.
Slowly, I lifted my gaze.
When I came across Blayze's peaceful, tanned face, my breathing hitched.
Lost in sleep, he looked beautiful beyond belief.
My heart felt it ten fold as I watched the peaceful lines, the angle's clear, but beautiful.
His brow smooth and his eyelid's relaxed.
Some of his dark hair fell across his forehead and his pink lip's slightly parted.
I always knew he was amazing.
Right now, I felt it to a whole new level.
Slowly, Blayze's eyes began to open.
I froze, laying there propped up on my elbow, watching his sleepy face.
He blinked several times, focusing on the here and now.
I sat up, pulling the sheet to make sure it covered my bare chest.
Blayze groaned, clamping his eyes shut.
"This mattress suck's!"
I was expecting a comment about our current situation.
Instead, I got that.
I burst out into full fledged laughter!
Blayze cracked a smile and reopened his eyes.
"Your laughter's gotta be the best sound."
An adorable slightly sleepy huskiness hung over his voice.
Face on fire, I looked away.
He surely didn't actually mean that.
A slightly familiar, but entirely weird voice called from outside.
Heart in my throat, I snapped my eyes to the door.
"Who the f-?"
Zeus' booming bark's echoed around the cabin.
I looked across the room to find he and Azlan had been sleeping on the bed that Blayze used the first night we were here.
Zeus stood at the edge of the small bed, staring at the wall and letting rip with his booming bark's, warning anybody against trespassing.
Blayze shot a frown at his dog.
"Shut it, Zeus!"
I turned quickly to him.
There had to be a reason Zeus was going off so bad, right?
"He alway's goes off when there's strange people around."
He grumbled.
"But they said your name..."
"What sounded like-"
He started, but was cut off by the voice calling out again.
Yeah, it was definitely his name!
He whispered.
He leaned over the edge of the bed, reaching for his clothes.
In the meantime, he tossed my clothes to me.
I pulled on my clothes as quickly as possible, doing my best to change beneath the sheet.
"Blayzzzze pllleassssse."
The voice whined.
Zeus launched off the bed and shot to the door, barking!
Pulling his t-shirt over his head, Blayze made his way to the door.
"Get back."
He ordered the dog.
Zeus stubbornly only took two step's back.
I patted the bed.
"Zeus c'mon."
Distracted, he took a few step's in my direction.
Blayze opened the door and slipped out of the cabin.
Zeus whirled around, realising he'd been tricked and let fly with a fresh volley of bark's!
Curious, I slipped out of the small bed and walked — holy shit! — I winced, the pain from between my legs demanding my attention.
Gingerly, I hobbled to the nearby small window.
Peering through a minimal gap in the dingy sea print curtain, I scanned the step's.
I froze, seeing long blonde hair and a form fitting black t-shirt and a tight pair of dark blue jeans.
Oh no...
Zeus barked again and again.
I hissed at him, in no mood for a headache.
He looked at me and whined.
"Rikki what the hell are you doin here?"
Blayze's voice came muffled through the thin wall's of the cabin and sounding quite frustrated.
"I had to see you!"
Rikki's voice sounded off, but I couldn't pin point why.
Was she just overly emotional?
Or was she drunk?
"We're waiting on test result's. I can't do much more!"
Blayze insisted.
Ah shit.
"Why can't you just believe me?! I'm not lying. You've seen Tameron!"
Rikki squealed, borderline hysterical.
"This isn't the time or place to talk about this. Go sober up."
Blayze retorted.
So she's drunk.
"I don't want to sober up! I want us to be a family!"
Rikishi protested.
I felt like I'd been slapped!
So she does want Blayze!
"I'm not talkin to you about this here or now."
Blayze sounded strained.
Clenching my fist's tight at my sides, I didn't know what to do.
I have to get out of here!
I yanked my boot's onto my feet and snatched my hat off the small table.
I ordered Zeus.
He whined, but sat, his bulky body a mere few feet away from the door.
I commanded, pointing a finger at him and making for the door.
Somehow, I managed to get out without him following me.
I nearly slammed into Blayze in my haste.
He reached out to steady me.
The heat of his skin penetrated easily through the fabric of my t-shirt, spark's forming across my skin where our bodies had contact.
Was I imagining this?
Watching Rikki staring up at him, I had to really fight the urge to smack his arm away.
And to punch her square in her pretty little face.
Pulling my hat down I stepped off the step's, my nerves literally zinging with unkept rage.
I had to almost step sideways due to the discomfort between my bloody leg's!
Phoenix's whinny made me turn around, when I'd only taken a few step's.
He stood at the portable fence, ear's pricked and watching me intently.
The poor horse's needed breakfast.
Grinding my teeth, I headed to the float to scavenge up some hay.
Grabbing a few biscuits of Oaten, I made my way to the yard's and gave Phoenix, Roo and Rowan a slab each.
I walked back to the float and grabbed a couple of biscuits of Lucerne to share between the three horse's, while Rikki sobbed, sniffled and hiccuped.
Without sparing Blayze or Rikki a glance once I was done, I turned to head...
Well, I had no idea where I was going, but knew I needed to go.
If I stayed around, I'd blow my lid.
I already didn't know how I was feeling or what to think.
"Bailey wait."
I ignored Blayze, rounding the back of his car, clenching my fist's at my sides and stalking toward the tent's and more active area of the ground's.

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