1|good morning|

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chapter I

I was awoken by the sound of the birds chirping. I pushed the covers off of me and sat up with a smile on my face ready to start the day, I stood up making my way over to the window pushing it open and letting the warmth of the sunrise and the crisp breeze of the cool air brush across my face.......


"Get up!" My mothers booming voice yelled almost knocking me off my bed, as she began banging her fist against my door.

"OKKKAAAYY QUIT YELLING." I yelled ironically.

She left and I sat there staring at the ceiling before ACTUALLY deciding to get up.

I went to my closet and picked out the outfit I wanted to wear that day. Once I  decided on what I wanted I made my way into the restroom.

I turned on the shower and got in letting the warm water wake me up.

I finally got out with little time to spare.
I changed into my clothes, did my hair, and began doing my makeup. Once I was fully ready I ran downstairs, grabbed a granola bar and left without saying 'Bye' to anyone.

Just when I was pulling out of the driveway my phone went off.

Olivia♌️-Come pick me up pleaseee
Halle- You're lucky I just left

I soon pulled up to Olivia's house and honked. I watched her walk out as she and her mom yelled back in forth at each other. She got in the car and I pulled off.

"My mom got pissed for no fucking reason, so she said she wasn't driving me to school. I give up." She rambled.

"Wonder why?" I asked sarcastically as she rolled her eyes. "Why don't you have your car?" I asked.

"My brother's car broke down so he is using mine." She stated bluntly. "I hate people."

"You're horrible." I said shaking my head


I pulled up to the school watching all the students frantically make their way into the building. I turned off the car and we got out, taking our time as we made our way towards the school doors.

We immediately rushed to our lockers cause the hallways were hell.

I was walking when I felt someone's shoulder ram into mine.

"Watch it." He snapped turning his head.

'Not this prick again' I thought rolling my eyes. "Asshole." I retorted as I just kept walking, not wanting to waste my time with him today.

"Bitch." He scoffed.

"Go fuck yourself."

"That's your job." He said making his friends all hype.

I left as I shook my head.

I began opening my locker, when Olivia spoke up,"He is so annoying." She groaned rolling her eyes.

"It's Sam Wilkinson what do you expect?" I exlaimed in an angered tone.

"If you guys don't hurry we'll be late." Our friend Regan said walking up to us.

"3 minutes til class starts and 1st period is on the west wing." Olivia rushed as I was grabbing my bag.

"And we are-" "On the east wing I know." I said grabbing my books as I cut her off.

"Nice ass." Sam said groping my ass.

"Leave." I said bluntly, getting the feeling like I was about to smack him.

"I couldn't help myself." He said cockily

"Quit flirting Samuel." Regan said.

"Not even! I'm just being friendly." He said making eye contact with me.

"Can you not be a prick sometime." I asked, emphasizing the word.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." He stated as his friends chuckled. "Now get to class before your late."

"The same class you'll also be late for if you don't GO." Olivia practically yelled.

"Ya see... the difference between me and you is that you care and I don't." He said.

I just walked away, completely ignoring his ignorance. My morning is going great.

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