45|gotta go|

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chapter XLV


"What's the problem?" I asked.

"If they found you they are most likely coming for all of us. Which means-"

"You guys need to leave in the next 3 days." Garrett said cutting Skate off.

Skate nodded as we all looked at each other but Derek looked down.

"How can Halle go, she isn't...stable." Swazz said.

"I'm fine." I retorted.

"You're crazy." He said.

"You're a dick." I said as we both stepped towards each other.

"Not now, not here. Halle you aren't fine." Olivia said separating us.

"Sorry for caring." John scoffed.

"I'm good enough." I spoke coldly staring her down as she returned the favor.

She laughed softly. "Whatever." She said stepping back.

"Come on Derek say something. She isn't fine. Tell her!" John snapped.

I cut my eyes at Derek as he just shrugged.

"She's fine, she's good enough to go." Garrett said folding his arms.

"You don't even know her." John said getting in his face.

"Neither do you." I said as John looked back at me and glared.

Everyone was silent.

"Break! It's to heated everybody separate!" Skate said clapped as we all stormed out taking different routes.

"Halle." Olivia said taking my arm.

"Not now." I snapped snatching my arm back and walking out of the back door.

I stepped out and climbed the ladder on the side of the building, sitting on the roof.

I sighed then groaned running my hands over my face before sitting on the edge. I looked down and saw Derek leaning up against a light pole, John pacing the parking lot punching his hand and cracking his fist, I saw Skate talking to Olivia and at this point I couldn't help but blame myself.


I jumped at the voice, and turned seeing Garrett.

"Hey." I responded.

He walked up and sat next to me watching them. He could see the longing look on my face.

"I want my friends back." I sighed.

"You guys aren't just friends, you're a team. Get your team together. It's technically Derek's team." I laughed shaking my head.

"It all of your guys' team." He laughed.

I groaned and stood up as Garrett followed.

"I don't know what to do." I paced the roof as Garrett stood still and watched me.

"I just see them and think-" Garrett walked up and cupped my face.

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