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chapter XXXVI

"Listen Ma'am visiting hours don't start till 10:00, so you will have to wait. Shouldn't you be in school." She stated in a snotty tone. My smile dropped as I cracked my knuckles.

"My brother tried to commit suicide, and since then my life has been hell. I almost died last night, my friends almost died last night, I got into a fight with the person I love most, and my mom slapped across the face. Caleb is the only light in my life at this moment. Can I please see my fucking brother." I snapped.

She looked at me with scared and sympathetic eyes. "My bad, he is in room 236." She smiled sheepishly.

I nodded at her and walked away, fee bad I dumped that on her, but I just came out of my mouth. Is Derek really he person I love most. God. I found Caleb's room and opened the doors.

He laid there hook up to machines, very pale. I sat in the chair next to him, just watching.

"If you ever do some shit like this again I might actually die." I said putting my face in my hands.

I stood up, removing the sheet from his chest. "Let's see if they're treating you right."

I lifted his arm. Bedsores. I did the same to his legs, all covered in bedsores.

"Caleb." I frowned cupping his face, as I covered him back up with the sheet. I remembered I wrote him a letter, it was in my back pocket. Just as I remember the door opened and a doctor walked in.

"Ma'am, you should be in here." He said.

"You guys aren't treating him right." I said.

"Visiting hours start a 10 o'clock. I suggest you leave-"

"He has bedsores, what the fuck." I began to get loud.

"I'm calling security, to escort you out if you do not leave." He snapped.

"How do you all claim to be a hospital, when you aren't even treat helpless patients correctly! He isn't capable of moving on his own so you flip him, hat way he doesn't get bedsores!" I yelled so that the whole hospital could hear, especially people in the waiting room.

"SECURITY." He turned around and yelled. I pulled the note out of my pocket and slipped in under Caleb's pillow.

The doctor turned back to me as two guards walked in. One came up and held my hands behind my back, walking me out, as they other grabbed my bag. They escorted me out as the doctor followed.

"Hey, did you know that if bedsores aren't treated, they can get infected and patients can die!"  I shouted to the doctor as we enter the waiting room.

"How many other patients are you neglecting! Better hope you don't get a dead patient on your hands!" I said, as the guards rushed to get me out of the building. People kept looking over, and whispering to each other, before one woman stood up.

"I wanna know if my son is being taken care of properly." She spoke in a soft kind voice.

"Ma'am I can assure you-" The doctor was cut off again.

"Is my husband being mistreated too." Another woman said standing up.

"No, this is just a bad encounter, she isn't stable." The doctor said to me.

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