Pasta (Romano x Reader)

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You were stood in the kitchen cooking dinner. You never normally cooked but this time you wanted to make your boyfriend something special to eat. As you poured the pasta into the large saucepan you sighed. His food was always so good, how did he do it? You drowned the pasta shells in water and put it to boil. That's when he walked in. His brown hair flopping all over the place and his ever so cute frown hanging on his lips. His eyes widened as he saw the saucepan.
"Bastard. Why are you cooking me pasta?" He scowled.
"Cause I love you!" You answered in a child-like manner which made him blush. You stirred the pot slightly whilst smiling, "Pass me the plates?"
A small clatter was heard from the cupboard next to you. Looking down you saw him on one knee handing you the plates with a small grin. That grin was something that you could definitely get used to. You took the plates off him and placed them on the marble counter next to you. As the pasta came to a boil you grabbed the sieve and placed it over the sink. Romano turned off the oven, brought the pasta over and gently tipped it into the sieve. He was cute when he was helpful. Whilst you were serving the pasta he gave you a quick peck on the cheek and ran away with the cutlery. You chuckled and brought the plates through to the dining table where he was sat with a deep blush plastered on his face with a little smile.
"Pasta?" You giggled.
"With a kiss?" He said cocking his head slightly.
"Of course!" You said as you pecked him on the lips, "Now eat up! A lot of effort went into this!"
"Mamma Mia! Someone is impatient!" He chuckled heavily. His laugh was one of the best things about him.
"Tell me about it," you laughed down whilst rolling your eyes

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