"Swimming" (2P!America x Reader x 2P!Germany)

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Requested by: FantabulousMemes
"Hey doll face," the smell of carrots and metal engulfed your nose, "how's your day been?"
"It's been alright," You whispered trying to ignore the obnoxious idiot that was al. You were lying on a lounge chair next to a slightly worn down pool. To be fair the pool was the cleanest thing in this god forsaken house. It was an indoor pool, situated in a massive curved conservatory. The sun tried its hardest to shine through the glass but with the dirt and debris in the way it could only let in a light haze. In some parts beams of lights hit the floor where the glass had broken. To add to the already dim lighting, plants of various kinds had grown on both the inside and outside of the glass  as well, this made for an even more complex amount of light. The patterns on the water were pretty though. Suddenly a towel landed on your head.
"Alright til I got here huh." Water splashed everywhere as you removed the towel. You shot up to hit the idiot but he was already swimming laps. He was wearing a pair of swimming trunks that were a rich burgundy. He stood out against the plain blues and greens that surrounded him. He swam to the edge of the pool that was closest to you and grinned.
"Don't look now but here comes Luther..." al growled in a hush tone. His sharp smile slowly fading into a frown.
"Don't be like that Allen! You love me really..."
"Yeah babe I do," al smirked at the messy haired blonde that was approaching, "LUTZ BABY COME CATCH ME"
Al shot across the pool like a bullet.
"I'm coming allywally!" Lutz shouted in a sing song tone. He sprinted across the hall and dive bombed into the water.you got splashed yet again. it was the quickest that you'd seen him move in months. They were wrestling in the water and racing for a while until you spoke up.
"I was nice and dry before you two arrived."
"Looks like we make you wet," they said in unison.
"If I can't beat them might as well join them!" You yelled as you cannonballed into the pool. The water was nice and cool and it felt rather refreshing. They were both on the other side of the pool.
"I dunno what you were trying to beat us at but I'd let you beat this ass." Al yelled across the water.
"I'd let you beat me at video games." Lutz called over.
You shook your head and swam over to the two idiots. By the time you got there Lutz was doing underwater hand stands, his bright yellow swimming trunks holding onto to his flailing legs.
"So about beating this ass..." al smirked leaning into you, "gonna take the offer?"
His body was hot compared to the water and his dark brown eyes looked almost red in the scattered lighting. You couldn't answer his question because you weren't too sure on how to approach it.
"Na I'm gonna beat to her ass though. Have done many times." Lutz grinned at you both leaning on both of you now. Al seemed to nod in agreement.
"Same here lutz. I have a proposition for you (y/n) Everyone knows that Luther and I have the odd cheeky hook up now and then, you in? I mean there's nothing quite as hot as fucking in a pool..." al leaned in and started kissing you before you could answer. You gently kissed back not knowing what to expect. It sounded fun though. Lutz started kissing your neck at the same time. This was definitely going to be the weirdest yet hottest thing you'd ever done.

Ahaha safe sex kids, wear condoms and don't fuck in dirty pools :')


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