Only A Kiss (England X Reader)

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He walked up to you, tears streaming down his pale face. He looked like he was ready to just end everything. He should end everything you thought, well after what you did with Francis, anybody with the right mind would end it. His emerald eyes grieving sympathy and hatred at the same time sent daggers into your heart. How could you do this to Arthur? Saying sorry would just make it worse. You winced at the smell of cigarettes emitting from Francis.

"It was only a kiss..." You muttered whilst choking on tears.

"It was only a kiss?!" Arthur snarled at you, "My stomach is sick, its all in my head but, I just can't look at you. It's killing me."

He flicked his head around, his hair jolting with it. Now facing Francis he shook uncontrollably in fits of tears. Then he swung for him. The cigarette now on the floor and Francis on the floor, his nose covered in blood.

"I never..." Arthur cut you off by screaming.

"I never? I never?!" He spat at Francis rather than you, "I guess this was all one big misunderstanding. Francis saw the opportunity and you let him take it. Just a misunderstanding."

You screamed as Francis flung up and squared Arthur in the face. Arthur was now the one lead on the floor.

"Arthur!" You screamed running to him.

"I'm fine." He snarled. He wasn't and it was all your fault. If you hadn't kissed Francis then Arthur wouldn't be having a fist fight. That was it. You'd had enough of this. You flung yourself at them. You landed face first in what smelt like Arthur and then you took a hard blow in your back.

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