Playing Dress Up (America X Reader)

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For CrazyTail26 cause she's being all upset and I wanna cheer her up

"Never have I ever..." Alfred began. He loved these stupid games, "kissed a girl."
He waited for you and some others to shoot your hands up before also putting his hand up.
"Wait... no way!!" Francis screamed at him. To be honest Francis was the only one who actually put his hand up but everyone knew about his summer fling with Elizaveta. That was a wierd time for everyone. Francis suddenly clocked that you were also the only girl in the room and smirked.
"Never have I ever smoked a cigar," Arthur said, it was his go after Alfred's and then it was Francis'. Everyone shot their hands up at the question and Francis then stood up.
"Change of game, Truth or Dare!" He sang. Everyone agreed to his idea and you went and grabbed a bottle from Alfred's recycling bin. You selected a Cola one. It was the one on the top and the shape caught your eye compared to the Tango bottles taht lead underneath. When you walked back in there was a new seating arrangement and you sat down whilst placing the bottle in the centre. Francis gave it a tap and it flung itself at Alfred. How convenient, you thought, it wasn't as if Francis' plan was secret, you could tell what was gonna happen by the look on his face.
"Dare," Alfred said munching on some sweets.
"I dare you to be locked in the cupboard with (Y/N) for..." He rolled a dice and it landed on 4, "40 minutes."
"Cool," He said as he grabbed some packs of sweets, some drinks and made his way to the cupboard. You glared at Francis and snuck into the cupboard along with Alfred. It was quite roomy, Alfred had made it like a mini walk in wardrobe so there was a rack of clothes, a mirror, two bean bags and a lot of floorspace. Well, it was enough for two people. He sat on the stripy white and red bean bag and switched on the light. You placed yourself on the blue beanbag with white stars decorated around it and stole a bag of his sweets.
"So, wanna play dress up?" He laughed at you.
"Sure, why not," You laughed back at him. He literally stripped in front of you. He was stood there in bright yellow boxers with the words 'It's probing time' printed on them with little aliens all around them. You snickered at him. This was so wierd. You didn't think he was serious
"Nice aren't they," He grinned, "choose some clothes for me to wear then."
"We're actually doing this, huh." You said walking over to his rack of clothing. You slid the hangers around and finally cost something for him to wear, a bomber jacket, vintage style white shirt and some jeans.
"Nice," He said as he fell over putting his jeans on. You both laughed loudly. Once he was dressed in the outfit he grabbed his phone and opened snapchat. After about ten different outfits and 34 selfies with him you sat on the floor next to him in one of his jackets. It smelt good, it felt good, it was good. He noticed that the time had run over by 20 minutes and showed you but you both shrugged and carried on, the giggles outside got louder with the more snapchat selfies you posted. You guys had heard the door click ages ago, it was just too fun. You enjoyed being together messing around. At one point Mathieu opened the door to check on you all and you were on Alfred's shoulders. You were wearing one of his hoodies and he was topless in a pair of swimming shorts, Mathieu just backed away and shut the door. He then let you down and held you in his arms.
"Wanna kiss or something?" He smiled down at you. It always suprised you with how calm and collected he always was. It was as if he was asking you how old you were, something innocent and normal. But maybe to him, asking to kiss you felt normal. Maybe he'd thought about it so much it had become natural. You smiled happily back up at him.
"Sure," you grinned back at him as he leaned down. He gazed into your eyes and then closed them whilst closing the gap between you. It was a delicate kiss, nothing to abrupt. His soft lips brushing against yours. They hung there for a second before retreating back. He looked content as he held you. You also felt content and relaxed. It was as if you had both been doing this your whole life. You checked yoir phone as it buzzed. Alfred had somehow caught a picture and posted it on his snapchat story, he'd also sent it to you privately as well. It made you both giggle at the screen. He eventually put his phone down and went in for another kiss. This one was slightly more pressured and daring. You felt him smile into the kiss too. He pulled you closer into a deeper hug, the space between you was limited, almost drawing to a close. That's when the door flew open with Francis grinning. That boy had a knack for ruining a romantic moment.  Alfred shut the door and pressed you against it so it couldn't be opened unless you both needed it to. After a few minutes of heated kissing against said door you picked out a  nice outfit for Alfred  to wear. He was like a real life Ken doll. A personal Ken doll. You giggled at the thought making him pull you close and question it. You just buried your face in his clothing and laughed.  He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hands.
"So, wanna be my girlfriend? We can play dress up again some time and maybe I'll let you pick my boxers!" He smirked at you. You giggled uncontrollably and nodded.
"Yea I'd like that, but you know, when it's probing time... it's probing time!" You poked your tongue out at the end of the sentence. He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the door. That's when you remembered. You'd all planned on going out shopping and going for dinner. Mathieu must have texted Al in an attempt to hurry us up. He was really kind like that. You left the cupboard with Alfred's hand in yours and everyone made some kind of noise, be it wolf whistle or cat calling, they made it. All that you cared for was that Alfred was perfect and everything you ever wanted in a boy.

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