Melusina (Mertalia!Luxembourg x Reader)

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You stumbled across a beautiful serene place one day, tumbling hills of grass with trees and plants blossoming everywhere. At the end sat a steep cliff. There was a path to the base where there was a rocky surface. You sat atop the cliff and looked out to the water, your fears and anxiety slipping away. It was nice to find a secluded place to think to yourself for once. While lost in thought you at first didn't hear the noise that split the silence. Then it reached your ears. You felt compelled to find out who was singing. You stood up and span around. Nobody to be seen at all. Then after a few minutes of searching it hit you. The base under the cliff. You struggled to rush down the difficult path but when you got there the singing has stopped. The voice, his voice, was beautiful. It had caressed your ears and soothed your soul. You looked to the sky and noticed it was almost sunset. Time to leave.

Exactly a week later you returned to your favoured spot. You had come and visited the untouched beauty throughout the week but it just wasn't the same. A Saturday was the day you could rest and relax easily. A day you could escape and hide all day. Mother was determined that a young girl like you should marry. None of the boys in the village impressed you and the voice you heard exactly a week before had been playing on your mind all this time. You sat there and did some sewing. You'd brought a basket of clothes to patch up. Your mother was a seamstress and she gave you old clothes to practice on. It was a passion of yours and it helped you relax. You watched the needle work through the fabric until you heard the voice again. Directly beneath you. You had pricked your finger from the shock, droplets of blood forming on the wound. You barely noticed as you were too busy putting your work in the basket and running down the path again. You went quiet and gently but surely fast. A boy was stood on the rock, matted blonde hair, slim slender body, naked and soaking wet. He must have been swimming in the waters. You blushed to yourself and went back up the cliff. Peeping wasn't something a woman should be caught doing.

You returned again the week after. Sure as anything the voice rang out again. This time you sang along. Suddenly the voice stopped but you carried on. You didn't stop, you couldn't stop, something urged you to carry on. Then you saw him out the corner of your eye. The boy from last week, naked, again and soaking, again. You turned to face him, emerald green eyes cutting into yours, his mouth adjusted to a wry smile and he sat next to you.
"It was you last week," He whispered, "A woman shouldn't be caught peeping you know."
"Ah, but I was caught wasn't I," you whispered back. He smiled at you shyly.
"Not meaning to be rude but could you put some clothes on?" You shuffled awkwardly.
"I-I don't have any..." He stuttered, his voice even quieter from before. He didn't have any clothes? Then it struck you, the old clothes, mother wouldn't care if you gave them to him, they weren't sellable anyway. You passed them to him blushing.
"H-here," you covered your face and turned away.
"Done," his voice raised slightly, "they fit."
"Oh they look wonderful on you!" You said smiling as you turned around, "my name is (y/n)."
"It's a pleasure (y/n), I am Luca," he grinned back. It was then that you noticed that his teeth were a little pointed.
"Where are you from Luca? I'm from Luxembourg, the town not far from here," you smiled at him.
"Uh, well I'm from around here." Luca replied, "can I come see your town?"

You nodded and he carried your basket for you whilst you linked arms with him. Whatever did he mean 'around here'? You knew all the boys around here and not by choice. The walk back was short and silent. An occasional sniff from Luca was heard, probably a cold from being in that water, easily fixed though.

You met up every Saturday there onwards. Your mother eventually gave your hand to his in marriage and you moved into the house on the outskirts of town, nearest the place you met. It was large and was the most desired in town, resembling a small castle. How Luca ever afforded it was still a mystery to you, he'd brought dozens of coins to you one day and had said that you should do it, buy that small castle. It was a dream come true. You were to be wed on one agreement. Every Saturday he was to be left alone in his own room. Your friends said that you should let him, a gorgeous husband and a gorgeous house don't come round often. You had laughed and agreed. After five or so years curiosity got the better of you. Whatever he was doing you wanted to know, you were his wife after all. Your mother soon got annoyed at you both, five years and not a single child to show for it, all your friends had at least one each now. You and Luca hadn't really thought about it.
"Luca? Mother and I had a chat and I'd really like your input, face to face."
"(y/n) it's Saturday, I really do care, but we will talk about this tomorrow."
"Luca... please?" You tried again.
"Not face to face today, we can talk about it through the door."
"Luca, please give me this Saturday, just this one." You pleaded.
"Right give me a few minutes, I'll come out soon."

A few minutes passed and finally curiosity got the better of you. There was a keyhole. He was your husband. Surely it was your right to know. You looked through and gasped almost as soon as you saw what was there. Your hand clasped over your mouth in surprise. He was sat there on the edge of a bath. His torso soaked, his hair gleaming in the sunlight, his legs twined together like a fish tail, dropping with water. His emerald green eyes cutting into the water. You got up and walked to the room that you two spent time in the most, it was somewhat a living room for you both. You sat there head in hands.
"Sorry I took so long," his voice sang as he walked in. He was in a robe and was smiling at you, his hair damp. His sharp teeth bit his lip.
"L-Luca, what do you do in that room, I thought I could hear... water?" You looked up at him. His face dropped down to you and a wicked smirk appeared.
"You wouldn't believe me," he whispered. You scoffed.
"Try me."
"A woman shouldn't be caught peeping you know."

The next day he was gone. You had that child your mother wanted. You found a couple of months after he left. Every Saturday you would take the child to the cliff and you would sing hoping for your Luca to return. People called you crazy. You were. For breaking your promise and letting him go.

Based on a myth from Luxembourg called "Melusina" hence the title, please look it up I absolutely love it. Obviously I have changed a lot of it but it's a beautiful story so I really recommend you read it.

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