The Guessing Game (Italy x Reader)

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You winced as you fluttered your eyes open, the sunlight was rather bright and it was way to early. Burying your face in the pillow next to you, you sighed. This pillow was surprisingly firm and had its own heat. Your face became a bit distorted. A random person was in your bed. How did they get in your bed? Who the hell was it? You sighed again. The mysterious figure in your bed sighed back in response but it was a happy sigh, not one of those, I hate morning sighs. They seemed content with the situation. You didn't want to look up at them awkwardly and be like 'why are you in my bed?' So you decided to play a little guessing game and narrow it down to those that were at the pub with you yesterday. It definetley wasn't Francis, he'd be all over you right now, flirting and what not. He was such a sweet guy he wouldn't even hurt a fly. You ruled him out quickly. Antonio wouldn't be awake to sigh at this time in the morning and if he was then he'd be all over you too. He was more of a ditzy flirt than a romantic flirt like Francis. Ludwig wouldn't be here. He would have left for training and even if you tried hugging him he'd flick you off most probably. Gilbert? You flickered your eyes open and observed their chest, not muscly enough and their skin tone was too tanned. That then also ruled out Kiku. Not that Kiku would go near a five mile radius of a girl's bed. That left Feliciano and Lovino. You were cool with either one. Wait. Lovino isn't a morning person. So you had ended up with Feli. After playing your guessing game you looked up and sure enough, it was Feliciano. He beamed at you.

"Finally awake?" He yawned in a sleepily sweet tone.
You nodded in response and snuggled up to him. And you stayed like that for a long time. At least until 11. Lying in bed and doing nothing was nice alone but it was even better with a person to hug.

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