(Russia x Violet)

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Requested by: aph_glay

Violet looked over the small table to see Ivan. His knees slightly visible above the table. He was wearing a thick coat to keep him from getting cold. She sighed and shifted her purple hair out of her face wishing that she'd worn some extra layers. His voice trailing off the weeks events, each word smothered in a thick Russian accent. Secretly she didn't want to listen. All Violet wanted was to stare into those shining amethyst coloured eyes. 

"...he fell and then-" Ivan stopped abruptly and smiled with those wide eyes, "Violet, you're doing it again."

"Huh? What? Doing what. I was listening. Totally listening." 

He chuckled, "Whatever you say sunflower, anyway, as I was saying that he fell and then..."

Violet zoned out again. The pet name he'd given her. Sunflower. Made her heart race faster every time he said it. Bright and beautiful. Not that he'd like her that way. There was no way. Better to play it off and wait for the feelings to blow over. Safer that way. Not as embarrassing. 

"...like kids. Violet! There's a spider in your hair!" Ivan suddenly yelled slamming his hands on the table. His eyes wide and face dead pan. Violet didn't know what made her panic the most, Ivan, or the fact that there was a spider in her hair. She froze on the spot.

"Just kidding," Ivan burst out laughing, "You should've seen your face."

"That's not funny. Why would you do that?" Violet hissed at him. His laugh filling the air, hearty and warm, his breath creating small clouds that cut the icy breeze. 

"Well, someone seemed distracted. They were staring at me like I'm the only thing in the world... Seems like someone has a little thing for me."

Violet glared at him. He made a wide grin and leaned over the table. He was so tall that he towered over her, even when sat down. His grin was menacing. She mentally face palmed. Of course it had been obvious all this time. The recent happenings had now made her inwardly cringe.

"Congratulations! My middle finger wants to give you a standing ovation."

"See you say sarcasm is like punching someone in the face but with words. I see it more as a heart felt compliment cause you're too stubborn to admit that you may actually like me."

"I'm not going to say I hate you. But you are literally the living Monday of my life."

"Come on now Sunflower. No one else is around, you can admit it, I won't tell. Stop insulting me and just face facts."

"I'm not insulting you. I'm describing you."

"Well if it helps, I feel the same way as you, I've liked you for a while. Guess I'm not as obvious as you are with it though huh."

"Good job I like Mondays then, huh." Violet blushed heavily and looked away.

"Thought so," Ivan gave a small wink over the table and placed his hands on hers.

Author Notes:
Sorry that it's not the best but, y'know, I've been busy - Lux

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