Bye babe. (Hong Kong X Reader)

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He was in the year below you and he wasn't exactly something special. A little bit of an idiot really. No, scrap that. A jerk. If your friends spoke about him... well... he certainly wasn't special in their eyes. It was safe to say that they were far from fond of him. He'd somehow found out your likes and dislikes and that started the  conversations between you. It was a little wierd that one day he just popped up to you online and started messaging you. You'd seen him in school but neither of you really had that much of a reason to chat. So these messages were out of the blue. Coincedentally he played the games you played and watched the shows you did too. That's half of what made you click with him. He always said things like "I've never met a girl who plays good video games" or "You just keep getting better and better, I never knew a girl could be as awesome as you". These slightly sexist comments made you turn your nose up at first but they began to make you crave compliments. This started your arrogant yet needy streak. Everyone had noticed and a lot of people edged away from you strangely enough. But you kept messaging him. Maybe it was a stupid idea. It probably was. Something about his dorky smile and light hearted humour drew you to him. Even though he wasn't perfect... he was perfect and you didn't want him any other way. He'd play you around a lot but it was, for some reason, worth it. All those comments and slight insults somehow dragged yopu further into his clutches. At first you began to realise and ignored him for a few months, slowly drowned him out. Focusing on what was important like your friends. But then he somehow pulled you back in. He was always happy around you and that made you happy. You couldn't stand others being upset. It made you feel upset yourself and made your stomach ache. It's a shame that you realised that he didn't feel the same as you. The relationship had actually sparked out of an argument. You'd cried. Maybe it's because he felt sorry for you that he had agreed on dating you. You felt guilty. The relationship short and sweet but it ended bitterly cold. He would compare you to celebrities and knock your confidence but you just smiled through it. You couldn't show that you were upset. That would make you look weak. He then began ignoring you for days on end and then woulkd return as if nothing happened. Those days when he wouldn't answer made you feel worthless and insecure. Did he really like you? Or was he just playing you around. Goddamit, you were the older one after all. Maybe you should have stood up more, confronted him sooner, told him how you felt earlier on. He'd ask you things that you found uncomfortable, drown you out when his friends were involved with you both. that was it. You were more of an item to him than someone to care for. He'd become considerably popular within his year group since he'd gained a girlfriend. That was your title. Not your name anymore. Just "Leon's girlfriend", if that wasn't a kick in the gut, well, you didn't know what was. He probably stayed with you just get a little more popular. It had ended with you explaining how you felt. God forbid that you tell Leon how you feel. He had told you that you had changed. Didn't explain how. It hurt like hell. Felt like he'd just ripped out your heart. In fact the last words he had spoken mae your skin crawl and your insides ache. "I think it's best if we just leave it, have a break." It wasn't a break. No way in hell that it was a break. He could move to Alaska for all you cared. You were free. Sure, you were in pain and major upset. But it was for the best. Right? You looked down at your ice cream and sighed. Then at the TV. Say Yes To The Dress. You were literal breakup trash. He'd ruined you. But at least you still had your two bestest friends... right? You glanced at the group chat and smiled, the two people that had stuck by you the whole time. Sure... one of them had literally told you that he was a fuckboy and wasn't worth it and you had ignored her. Regrets... woah oh oh regrets. The other one wasn't overly bothered. She just wanted to see you happy. They'd both been there for you and had told you when something wasn't justified. You couldn't be more thankful for two friends like that in your life. That was it. Time to care for yourself and the two friends that actually cared for you. You deleted his phone number, changed his contact name on snapchat and changed the TV channel. You aren't worth his rubbish. You are your own person and you shouldn't let anyone change you. Be you and be proud. The second anyone tells you that you're not worth it just laugh because there is always someone who will believe in you no matter what. They are worth the world and you shouldn't let anyone get in the way of that.

"Bye babe." You whispered quietly to your phone as you realised that you had now accepted your freedom.

This is dedicated to two of my closest friends, and yes this is based off of true events, sadly enough. But thanks to CrazyTail26 and TheWelshwitch for being there, you guys mean the world to me and nothing will ever change that you lovable dorks

- Lux

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